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Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 2:18 pm
by Theremin
My insurance is due for renewal in a couple of weeks. I got quotes from Dawes, Young & Cool, Just Cars and Southern Cross Insurance Brokers (ph 3221 3387). Southern Cross ($783) was about $400-500 cheaper than all the others.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 3:13 am
by fto12345

I just couldn't resist on posting this message..

I have been with Dawes for 1 year and I found that their service is crap!
It's gotta be the worst ever!

With such a bad service, I don't know where they get such a confidence about any thing!

When you call them they make you feel like you don't know any thing!
When you call them, it's like they got you by the balls!!(Mind the language but I really don't know how else to explain!), when you are the one paying the money!!!
And the people that answer phones are so rude! You wouldn't believe how bad!

As an example, I e-mailed and faxed them couple of times to ask to find out what mods I can do without affecting my premium..and then one day I got an e-mail from one of the manager there saying that he was getting irritated by my enquiries! Now, I don't know if any one agrees but I was assuming that companies like insurance companies would get a lot of enquiries from people regarding mods?

Am I over reacting? I mean if I was some one owning a Ferrari or some thing then I wouldn't care what happens to my premium! Right? But most of people don't own a Ferrari and they do worry about their premiums! Don't they?

Anyway, I thought I'll just post my experiences. Don't be sorry after joinning with them, blinded by the low premium, after an accident!
If their service is so bad when you didn't have any accidents, imagine what they will be like after having anaccident!
These are the people that will try their best not to pay you a cent!

So, does any one have other insurance companies that they can recommend? and some contact details would be very nice.

Thanking you in advance!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 5:53 pm
I'm currently with Just Cars but about to sign up with Dawes. Then I read this post 8O

But I don't know. So far my communication with Dawes have been positive. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe they're just trying to have my business. Then again, I haven't spoken to Just Cars since I joined them....touchwood.

The thing is with Dawes, I will be saving up to $600 in premium, and up to $900 in excesses. That is a big difference.

I also found in terms of premiums, Famous Car Insurace was about the same as Just Cars for me. Didn't ask about the excess but Dawes was already cheaper.

My plan is to stick with Dawes for the next year, and then if I'm not happy, I'd go back to Just Cars or someone else.

Thanks for the heads up though.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 6:39 pm
by Theremin
My insurance is due for renewal in a couple of weeks. I got quotes from Dawes, Young & Cool, Just Cars and Southern Cross Insurance Brokers (ph 3221 3387). Southern Cross ($783) was about $400-500 cheaper than all the others.
Just a follow up on my previous post. Southern Cross never sent me the paperwork that they promised to send, and I have heard from others that they no longer do private vehicle insurance. You'd think they would have rung to tell me rather than just not sending the policy. Anyway I'm now with Toque, which was cheaper than Southern Cross anyway.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 2:06 am
by fto12345

Well, when I first cpmtacted Dawes they were very helpful. Up until the point where I have sent the money to join with Dawes, they were very nice....and then the whole thing started very slowly...

It's like they want to get you joined up, and then as they know you won't change...they take advantage of that and treat you like S***!

I just want to say that....but it may have been just my self...Maybe different between customers...but if they are like that with me...I'm sure they will most likely be like that with most people....And believe me...I'm not a fussy customer at all!!!

Btw, a lot of people seems to be talking and recomending Toque... are they any good?
Can some one be a little bit more specific please?

Also, one more thing with Dawes...they are very fussy with their policy as can only drive your car probably about once a week, and needs to be garaged and all that....if you read the policy it's all there.. and believe'll be driving more than once a week....

Anyway, thanks.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 2:17 am
by Ice_FTO
Hi all. Just thought I'd share my recent experience with Just Cars.

I received my insurance renewal form recently from Just Cars. I have been insured with them for the past 2 years for market value. Last year I was 24 with a rating 1, no claims, 1 loss of license and a few speeding fines over the previous years and I paid a premium of just over $1,700. At this time, Just Cars verbally advised me that the market value of my car was around $27,000.

For some reason my renewal policy has changed to agreed value of $21,500 and my premium increased to just under $1,800 even though I'm now 25, have made no claim, no additional modifications/accessories (exhaust, veilside bodykit, mag wheels) and had no other trafic offences since last year!

I rang Just Cars to query why the change from market to agreed value and they advised me that there was no market value anymore. I don't know about you guys but that doesn't make sense to me :roll:

I ended up speaking to their import export who after some negotiations, agreed to insure my car for $22,500. I told him this was a drop in value of $4,500 in one year which I thought was a bit high and I was basically told that it was the best they would do and I could shop elsewhere if I didn't like it.

I then asked him why my premium has gone up when the value of my car has decreased so much, I was now out of the 'under 25' category with no claims etc. All he could tell me was that the premium was calculated on some complicated formula and that the FTO was a high risk car.

Something doesn't seem right here...

Anyways, so now I'm looking for alternative insurance. I am however keen on some further modifications so I could just be stuck with Just Cars still :evil:

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2003 6:08 am
Ice_FTO, it sounds like they sent you my renewal form! Mine was exactly the same from Just Cars, and with $35 extra, I can have my maximum no claim bonus protected (for 1 at-fault claim). My premium was just under $1800 as well which was the same as last year. What's up with that?

fto12345, Dawes gave me an option to choose what type of cover I wanted. I chose Private/Daily Commuting. So unless you chose some other category, you should be right. My car is garaged at night, and also told them I park at a parking station when I drive to work. The only place you can't park is at a train station car park (which I never do anyways).

The only down side is that they insure imports as market value only. Hopefully I won't write-off my car in the next year!!

I'll try to remember to update this thread in a years' time, or earlier if something goes horribly wrong!

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 5:41 pm
by MattG
A friend of mine has a Skyline GTST with Famous Car Insurance. I said that when it comes time to make a claim he may have problems becuase they aren't regulated by the australian body, but he says he knows about 3 or 4 people who have made claims and none of them had any problems whatsoever.


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:55 pm
by Chrisp
im 24, rating 1, no claims/fines/etc, 95 GPX
$1300 from UNIQUE, in Box Hill, Melbourne.
03 9898 9400

seem to be ok.
(i should be on commission, lol)

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2003 10:58 pm
by Deeps
You will find that insurance works on many factors including,

- Who the youngest driver is
- No claim bonus
- Accidents, faults, claims
- What purpose the car is for, eg personal or business
- Where the car will be psrked at home and work

and many many more factors are involved but the most important I think is theno claim binus rating. If you have a high no claim bonus rsting then it lowers your premium a lot.