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Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 4:19 pm
good thing i didn't start with the "settle down" bullshit LMAO... :D:P:P

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 7:57 pm
by Mitsiman
The turbo kit we made two of them at the same time and one set is going to the UK for test fitting and another set was supposed to be going to an eastern states custoemr who has still to make his mind up.

TO be honest if he does not make his mind up by the end of this week then I will hold onto his set and isntead focus on my UK dealer and get him to fit the set up there locally.

The kit is all tehre ready to fit up we are just waiting on final confirmation of iftting and reporting of any modifications we ned to make to adapt to the system.

So that is wher eteh turbo kit awaits. If there is someone within this board who would like to complete the kit on there car if they aer in Perth then of course we woudl complete the fitment ourselves, fit an intercooler, fit a Greddy E-Manage and install, run etc the complete kit.

If they are in teh Eastern States then i can send the partial kit to them, which they can then fit and adapt if necessary intot there car.

The kit still costs of course but only our initial cost price of manafacturing not full retail - but this I am not going to publicise on the boards. If you are interested in doing this be aware that it is only a prototype and may require modifications in the final fitting.

Anyway call me - do not email me as I already have too many emails that are not being attended to.

Elmo - we are free any time - honestly I have every intention of ringing people but by the time I answer 20 phone calls and deal with 3 mechanics on the floor all before 10.00 -I just never seem able to get back to messages. I even hired a new office staff and we still don't keep up.

We are relativly free anytime over the next three weeks - have a look at what ever day you are free, ring in and book that time with Ken and I can garauntee I will check out the problem with the FPR rubbing and modify accordingly and any other issues at the same time. IF it is only the FPR we would only need the car for approx 1 hour max in which you can wait at the same time if you wish.

Just let us know what date you want and we will make a booking at that time for you.

I work back to 6.00 -6.30 most nights nowdays and I still can't get my own car on the road - it is damn frustrating sometime. But thats life.

Look forward to talking to you soon and answering any other questions as well.


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 7:58 pm
by elmo
:?: WTF is that supposed to mean :?:

OOOP's thats out of context now.
Damn was replying to GPXXX but think he was trying to get Dave's attention. Thanks for makin me look stupid, thought I was doin a good enuf job.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:20 pm
by Mitsiman
Elmo - I can't call you as I don't remember your name and I just did a quick search through the invoices and I can't find yours easily. This is the other reason why I asked if you can call us at your coenveniance.

Alternativly send me an email with your phone number / name to and I can print it out and get Ken to contact you in the morning. But I figured since you would need to see when you are free anyway - if you could call us.

Either way its not a problem but I need you to give me your name / number again. Sorry :(

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:39 pm
by MattG

Do you think there will be a difference in the actual piping etc between a tip and a manual (ie two different kits need to be made)?

I think the turbo kit is probably the reason that the N/A extractors aren't selling so quickly. I know I am holding off buying anything until I find out pricing etc of the turbo kit (maybe other people are thinking the same thing).


Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:45 pm
by Mitsiman
Actually the extractors are selling like hotcakes - I had 15 made 2 months ago and i've only got 2 left which is fantastic.

No there should not be any difference on the manuel V triptronic as far as the turbo goes but of cuorse these are things we need to check out. And if they are different due to the single turbo design it would not be hard to adapt it to suit the triptronic model anyway.

I too am eager to get it out on the market with pricing etc but we have all learn't the hard way that we won't release anything until I know it is 100% ready for sale as it boons no one to release it too early.

David Thomas

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:56 pm
by MattG
Oh I was under the impression you said earlier that the extractors weren't selling that quickly ..don't mind me then.

Good to hear things are coming along. I just raised the point to see if you were testing it on both tip and manual.

Yes I agree, measure twice cut once approach - make sure it all works properly. If it takes a little longer now, it will only save people from time wasted on problems in the long run.



Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 10:48 pm
by fuhrer
well looks like big dave has a good memory after all?? hey guys??


Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 5:57 pm
by elmo
Sorry dave, read the edit, wasn't being rude, well not to you anyway.

If you can find my email i sent you(from it tells you what I need. sent it to your david box not rpw box,actually think i sent it to both.
I'm not really too worried about that other crap now, like the handbrake cable and the other bits that weren't quite right after the service. In case you cant find my email my car got stolen and thrashed and cooked and that nice titan coolant you put in it is all gone. The oil smell burned, the coating burned off the extractors and the clutch is burned. Must have done some good burnouts I reckon.

Make me up a quote and I will drop in on Friday arvo and pick it up.
-New clutch (Totally burned, will probably need flywheel or skim)
- Heads pulled, repaired and rebuilt as required
- Check block for straightness and possible pull and shave and rebuild
- Skim brake rotors front, + check rear.
- Find out why TCL off light is flashing and fix it

I know you wont be able to give exact to start with but need prices on parts, and estimated labour before the insurance company will go any further. Do your best. See you friday

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 7:21 pm
by Mitsiman
Unbeleiveable - that is an amazing piece of bad luck.

I will do the qoute up tonight / tomorrow and have it ready for you to pick up.

Read your edited post - no drama's.

David Thomas