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Initial D

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:14 pm
by Max
I was just wondering if anyone else here plays the arcade game initial d? Or has anyone read the comics or seen the shows??

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:22 pm
yeh i've played the arcade game bfore... verrrry addictive, but somehow i still prefer Battle Gear2, very similar but easier to drift...hehehe

i also got vol 1-10 on my PC - always too lazy to watch it though' haha...

battle gear

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 7:47 pm
by Max
I was gonna play battle gear when i was at the arcades today, but all my friends say that it is sh*t... so i stuck with initial d and got killed as usual :(

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:44 pm
i don't play Initial D often enough to warrant those 'cards' anyway so i cbf'd modding it up... BattleGear is better coz you get modded cars straight away and it's easier to drift them... (plus they look better)

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:57 pm
by FTO338
Yeah i've seen all the episode, & trying 2 get the comic. & yeah i've played the game 2!!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:04 am
dude, have u got those episodes on MPEGs or VCD/DVDs....??

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 5:05 pm
by FTO338
my friend got the DVD, i just watch them!! so they aren't mine ahhaahaha, but the other friend also got the comic though!!

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 5:39 pm
by HEK-71Q
yeh ive seen the dvd's n wannna get the set soon.....i bought a comic when i was in US....teaches ya lotta stuff bout cars....they made games for ps 1 n 2.....but never made it here in aus though....BADD... :evil:

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:11 pm
by RallyMad
I think the first serious of Initial D has just been officialing releast in Australia in the last week or two. Unfortunately I've been told It's expensive and a bit crap with only three episodes per DVD, there are also 3 episodes that have been changed with western names, and the characters speak english, I've been told it sucks.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:27 pm
by FTO338
RallyMad wrote:I think the first serious of Initial D has just been officialing releast in Australia in the last week or two. Unfortunately I've been told It's expensive and a bit crap with only three episodes per DVD, there are also 3 episodes that have been changed with western names, and the characters speak english, I've been told it sucks.
Gosh just like everything else we officially get the stuff as its history 4 other country, I've seen all the episode 2yrs ago & lucky me it was the original Japanese version with sub title, so u get all the high quality sound 2.

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:06 pm
haha, i've seen episode 1-10 (thanks to Kazaa) and i been getting english, chinese, japanese and a mix of 2/3 together LOL..!!

initial ddddrift!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 5:14 am
by HEK-71Q
if u guys really want em, i suggest u buy it thru ebay!...u can get the the series stages on dvd here...from chinatown or whatsoever but they'll cost like 90 bux per series. get em thru ebay n u can get ALL...not 1, 2 but ALL of em for like 150 bux! thats cheap azz...if u'r really cheap azz...theres always kazaa.....u can also get soundtracks from the series...but i rex theyre too asian for u guys hahahhh....

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 1:20 pm
why not everybody just chip in and buy an entire set from EBAY, then make copies of it, hehehehe...

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 5:10 pm
by hnm738
i think i have all the episode

but the last series is in jap and got no translation

other than that the rest is in cantonese with english sub

its mpeg format

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:04 am
by thecook
i've watched series 1 and 2

i heard the english version sux...

but yeh, still waiting for my frnd to lend me the movie..

played the game today, it was wierd lol.... its a game that takes a lot of practice i reckon...
but daytona is still good :D i can drift in that easier than initial D hahhaha

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 11:44 am
i prefer drifting in Battle-Gear 2 (assuming you're talking about the arcade games). just pop into 2nd, swing the wheel and a slight tap on the brakes and you'll be sideways in no time, hahahaha...!!