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Free CD offer (almost)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:28 pm
by dAsh3R
G'day guys and girls,
Thanks to the generous guys at Team 3S is the States (in particular Bob Forrest), I have in my possesion, the entire Mitsubishi Japanese C.A.P.S. Program [Computerized Automatic Parts Search], this is ideal for searching for part numbers for your FTO (and the rest of the Mitsubishi car, bus and truck range from the early 90's to the late ninties), it gives an exploded view of all sections of the car, with part numbers alongside that you can click and add to your 'tally'.
This is the Mitsi dealer program used in Japan to access part numbers for spares etc, it seems to have everything from dashboard screws to C pillar frames, it's also in English, which helps if your Kanji is as crap as mine.
It's 5 cd's big, so what I'm asking is, if you would like a set, you can send me 5 cd's (or my cost for discs) along with return postage and I'll burn a copy for you.
Simple as that, no catches. Just my way of giving something back to the scene.
I'm in the inner West of Melbourne, so if you're local, you may be able to pick up a set.
As the Private Messaging system seems to be up the shyster, email me at:
catch a look at it here:
P.S If you don't know what it does, you DON'T NEED IT!! :)

Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:34 pm
by dAsh3R
P.S If you go up to the root directory on my http link, you'll find some pictures of Greg Norman's 'little runabout' (jpg's number 1 thru 7) ....not that I'm jealous or anything..... :roll:

what format?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2003 9:27 pm
by G_A_V
Nice what format are all the files in ? isit 5 cds just for the fto ?
If you are able to send a version off to me, i can catogorise it and make a search engine for it, for users of this site, so people can get info on only the stuff they need

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 10:44 pm
by Chrisp
G_A_V that would be great if you could!
Keep up the great information sharing guys. Good work!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2003 12:12 am
by dAsh
Gav, it's over 1.6 gig of data, not just fto, all the mitsi range from early to late nineties, the only way to do a parts listing would be to work one up manually from all the data (I don't have a spare 3 months to be cutting and pasting all the fto part numbers! ;) )

Posted: Fri May 16, 2003 12:39 am
by dannyboyau
any chance of giving us the part No for the LSD

Posted: Fri May 16, 2003 12:31 pm
by G_A_V
I am sure I will be able to lift just fto part numbers out, with searches and sorting, if not i can make my own program to do so, What format is it in ??

Posted: Fri May 16, 2003 9:38 pm
by MaTHiE
apparently only first 3 have FTO stuff last 2 not important