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Where did we come from?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:54 pm
by Supplanter
Just curious to know how you people came across this website.

I was looking up sites about FTOs last year to get as much info as possible before i went out and bought my baby, that's how I stumbled across the site, and I think I have found more information and help here than anywhere else. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:58 pm
by TimmyD
i believe i found this site while doing a google search for "fto forum"
heh. then i came accross this, then the day after i got my baby, and the day after that i was a member here :P


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 1:01 am
by Guest
Same here. I was just searching the web for basic fto information and I came across this site. I was pleased it was australian based and that it contained so much information. I became a member and a couple of weeks later I bought my fto. :P

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 5:43 pm
i knew there had to be an FTO forum in Australia somewhere so i just tried my luck and VOILA!

Gotta thank Google for that, hehehehe....! ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:44 am
by G1
More than 3 years ago a guy called Senri started up a personal home page dedicated to FTOs "I dream of FTO", a small and informal e-mail list started up, and from what i heard, a cruise or 2 eventuated before I joined (through internet search what else). I suggested to move to Yahoo groups and that grew even more and at one stage we were getting flooded with 100+ emails everyday! i still remember the first big cruise to Katoomba, then Kiama, then Canberra etc ... Late last year Steve created this forum, and I was reluctant at first but soon joined up and now this is one of the best FTO related forums in the world. The Yahoo group mailing list is still alive, but not as active as it used to be (and still a valuable resource as all messages are kept in tact).

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:52 pm
Yeah, I caught the tailend of the FTO Yahoo groups. I was on there for awhile (just quietly) when I was interested in the FTO and your mailbox would literally be filled up by the end of the day with messages. But after Senri (I dream of FTO) left (never met him but emailed him about FTOs), things quiet down a little. Stephen then created the Forum after that. The rest is HISTORY!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 12:51 pm
by Deeps
Yes, excellent site. With all members having input, it becomes a great source of information and ideas for your fto. :D