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nice one admins

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:51 am
by khunjeng
no excuse not to post decent pics of your ride here!

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:19 am
by Bennoz
Are you volunteering to kindly do us a DIY on image hosting & pic posting KJ? :D

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:51 pm
by Hobbsie
- save pic to .jpeg format

- go to

- click "browse" and locate image, choose it then press "Host it!"

- go down to the bottom of the new page and select the text in the box to the left of "Direct link to image", then press ctrl+c to copy

- go to forums, click "img" tab above the post window, press ctrl+v to paste and click img tab again.. and youre done

there u go.. a DIY :roll:

FAQ: Using your ISPs web hosting space to display images on

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:58 pm
by khunjeng
Most or nearly all ISPs offer a limited amount of web space under the terms and conditions of your ISP agreement - I will be surprised if you don't have this available to you.

I use a ISP called Internode and under their Help & Support section you find the instructions on how to load files to your web space. Essentially it’s very easy:

1. Obtain the IP of the ftp hosted service e.g. In order to go to this space, open your browser and type it, or alternatively type the entire URL which will be [or your own IP eg)


2. It is likely that the first time you type this it will ask for a username and password. Typically this is your account username and password. Enter this and check the box for "save username and password" to make it easy next time. You should be confronted with a blank browser page. To ADD files you simply need to Cut and Paste into the browser- easy! In the example below I have cut and past directories and some files.


3. Once the files have been uploaded you can now reference these in the majority of user forums around the world. This method should also be used for your Avatar. Within the FTO Forum you have the ability to create and respond to threads. I won’t go into this as this assumes you can navigate through the forum.

4.To display an image within a forum you will need to understand how your ISP references your images. Using my ISP as an example, and using their help and support page they provide users with the required info to do this:


5. Below is an example of a image reference located within a message body on this forum. Be sure to use the file extension correct.

Once you have typed the URL, to make it appear as an image use the IMG button or as a link use the URL button



The location has been typed....highlight it and press the the URL/IMG button as above. The result will be:


6. To test the reference works, use the Preview function. If it doesn't work check your URL and make sure everything is correct and backslashes are in the right spots.

6. Also note, spaces in your file name will cause you some dramas. You can get around it but for the purpose of this DIY simply use files names with no spaces and you will have no problems.

7. You can also use services such as IMAGE SHACK for the hosting if you do not have a web space. They will provide you with the necessary steps and process to make this happen and use it within the forum. Never having used it myself I cannot be 100% of the process but I assume that Step 5 is relatively the same.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:04 pm
by Hobbsie
ahahaha.. your one is a bit better than mine :oops:

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:09 pm
by khunjeng
lol nar urs is quick and easy...mine is for those who want to use their own web space...hope it makes sense!