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Lets Drive!!!! lets organise a cruise peeps

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:53 am
by kingsparticus
Hey all, im new here, but i love getting togethr for cruises, and swapping info and stories, lets get some ppl out n about, well FTOS anyways.

ill put up 2 options, and we can see where we would all like to go.

option 1, we can cruise towards the sunny coast, and go to Melany, saw some great areas up there that will fit 40 cars easily, i wont put to much detail into it yet until we know where we would like to be heading first, so who is up for this one?

option 2, lets go to the hinze damm!!!, its a nice drive, a few twistys and a bbq area for lunch n kicking a footy round, great pics can be taken on the wall itself, anyone with a sweet camera? imagine a pic with 30 plus ftos reverse angle parked on the wall, and a single pic with all of em in it, with water and mountain views? who is up for this one?