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Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 2:27 pm
by Zarak
OK guys, got done for speeding last night and wont be driving for 6 months in 27 days. :cry: I was wondering what I should to keep the car in good shape over that period of time.
I'll probably start it every week and let it run for 10 min or so but does anyone have any ideas?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 2:54 pm
by Daz_FTO
Im sure you could find many mates that would happily take your car for a i mean gentle cruise...

I had to look after a friends car for a period of time once before - just let it idle for a little while once a week, still worked fine when they got back (about 2months). Not like you can legally do much else :)

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:13 pm
Daz_FTO wrote:Im sure you could find many mates that would happily take your car for a i mean gentle cruise...
i'm one of them... hehehehe... :D:D

dude, i live way out in the sticks so your car should be safe with me... ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:01 pm
by Zarak
hehe yeah I've already got mates offering to take care of it for me but I think it'll be perfectly safe in my garage. If you're going down Dandenong Rd and go through that cool S bend where the corners are banked and goes under the train tracks don't gun it down the straight thats after it, they sit in the Shell servo on the corner.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:59 pm
by lal
bad luck buddy :cry:
guess this is a good reminder for myself to pick the roads I dump it on... not just when I feel the itch! 8O
how fast were you going, on which zone? if u don't mind me asking!
I guess the fine is hefty too rite?
plus insurance for next year would increase... man sorry... didn't mean to bring out all the bad stuff... like I said... this is just a reminder for myself.

don't worry 6 months is not so long... unless you're a newly wed like me... :wink: kidding... getting married is gr8... man.. going I'm off topic.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 10:43 pm
by rxboy
That S bend on Dandenong rd is famous for cops catching you. There are always a few cars left abandoned on the side of the road because of drink-driving. The booze bus sits there and no one sees it until they go around the bend and then it's too late 8O . And sometimes they have a cop with a radar sitting at another spot under the railtracks or at the Shell servo. I only have fun there by seeing how fast I can go through the S bend, then I slow down on the exit.

Sorry to hear that Zarak, but you'll be driving your baby again in no time :lol: . Just don't be too tempted to drive it without your license.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 11:13 am
by Zarak
I was doing 120 in a 70 zone, 9:00 pm came out of the corner and the road ahead was empty so I gave it a bit to 120 then backed off. Was lucky I did too cause he let me off a bit and put me down as 120 - 116 then minus the 2 for laser inaccuracy makes it 114 so its only 6 months suspension, $360 fine and 6 points. It would have been 12 months, $500 and 8 points if I had gone just a little bit harder.

Don't have to worry about being tempted to drive without it cause I get pulled over too much to risk it. Not my driving or anything just the young guy in a sports car thing that cops go after.

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 2:22 pm
by Theremin
I was doing 120 in a 70 zone...

Not my driving or anything just the young guy in a sports car thing that cops go after.
That makes sense. :?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 5:00 pm
by Zarak
Yeah OK they were justified this time but normally it's the "random" license check...

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 6:48 pm
by smorison
yeah i knwo what you mean everytime i go past a highway patrol car i always seem them stare at the radar readout... so these days i go at least 20km below the speed limit just to screw with them...

got pulled over for that as well once :(

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 8:10 pm
by kaveman
well i guess i'm one of the lucky one

have had the car 18 month and pass that many cop's it not funny (they do radar on a road just near work at lease once every two weeks)

and the only time i was pull over was going to melboure and it was near witon raceway and that was for a random breath test and i think that was because the cop want a look at my car and we talked for about 5 minutes

with a car like mine you stand out like a sore thumb

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 11:50 pm
by rxboy
I've been lucky too. In my 22 months of FTO driving, I've only been pulled over once. Used the Jedi mindtrick to convince them I wasn't speeding :lol: . Otherwise, I don't usually go more than 10km over the limit unless it's past midnight (did 160km/h once only on Dandenong Rd against a Commonwhore).

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 1:01 am
i've been lucky so far, but i'm not gonna say anything further for the fear that i might jinx myself, LOL...!!'d think a car like mine in a town like Ballarat would stick out like dog's nuts and attract plenty of attention (esp cops as well), but........... ok, i'll shut up now before my run of good luck turn against me.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 1:53 am
by EXC
i've been pulled over time and time again because of my car, could be the P plates perhaps or maybe adelaide police officers attitudes to imports and defecting, but theres nothing some good dedicated flirting cant get you out of :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 11:50 am
Hey Zarak, join the club
I lot mine on Heidelberg on southern rd a few years ago by a speed camera. i was clocked at 137 in a 60km zone, went to court and lost it for 6 months, 6 pionts but they forgot to sting me with the fine so i only had to pay a court fee of $100.
To me, not driving for 6 months wasnt as bad as my insurance premiums costing $1000 more and my excess is an extra $450. This will go on for 5 years.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 1:55 pm
by Zarak
Yeah I got pulled over twice in one week a little while ago.

Damn it, I was looking forward to insurance going down cause my rating will have improved.

Ohh well I think I've partly learnt my lesson cause I havent sped since that night. Someone said the license suspension it's doubled if you get caught again during the 28 days.


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 2:12 am
by elmo
Just a quick Question: Why is it a six month suspension? Is it dangerous driving or something or do you have automatic suspensions over there for certain speeds....

Got pulled over in Mandurah once, cops said they had reports of "the way i was driving coming from Bunbury" Unfortunately they didn't have the laser out at that stage, must have been cause it only took haf hour to get there, they weren't expecting me yet....

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 10:50 pm
by rxboy
Must have jinxed myself earlier in this thread :evil: . Got flashed by speed camera on Elgar Rd, Box Hill last night. Thankfully only 10km over. Greatly anticipating the fine in the post......... :x