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Just call me stupid.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:03 am
by msbchi
Is it me or are all mechanics fundamentally f@#$&*. Four + months ago I had adjustable shocks fitted to the btch. Initially I was very happy with the job, although the steering was a bit stiff / heavy as well as being a bit twitchy. No drama I thought as I had altered the dynamics of the car by lowering it, and the mech assured me all was in order. However within a month my 215 40 low profile tyres had become slicks and the car crab walked and tracked along any groove in the road. In the wet it would jump 2ft sideways depending on which wheel had traction. Fortunately, I had a a spare pair of tyres which I had fitted at Beaurepairs as well as asking for a wheel alaign, even though the mech insisted it was not necessary the previous week, much to my chagrin when I picked up the car I was informed they had not done an alaignment because there was something seriously wrong with the steering, that the car should never have left the mech's in that condition and should be towed NOT driven back for repair. What the f**k is going on, the steering was fine before I had the new shocks fitted. So back to the mechanics I trudge, worn out slick in hand for some answers. My car dissapears for two days while a specialist supposedly fixes the problem. When I finally get it back the reason I'm told is"oh everything is O.K. low profile tyres require 40 psi not 30 psi. Do I really look that stupid? But the car does seem much better, untill a month goes by and I'm running on slicks again and all over the road once more. I'm pissed, and fed up with all of them. So I take it to Edgars Tyrepower who fit a second hand set of 225 45s and the car feels much better again. Unfortunately they don't have time to do an alaign that day. and I'm flat out for the next month, and you guessed it, by then I'm almost driving on slicks again. Finally book into Edgars who find each wheel has 35 ml toe in' fit anew set of 215 45s and set the camber and castor. Why the f@&* wasn't done four months ago

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:01 am
by mrx
Well, from what I understand it, you should always get a wheel allignment done after your car is lowered. ASAP. Virtually undrivable in some cases.

The other thing to remember is that mechanics do not do wheel alignments. That is what your tyre places are for. Some may do it, but as a general rule, they don't.

However, they should have told you that it needed to be done. And also, if they took it for a drive, they would have noticed how bad it was.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:40 am
by Bennoz
Agreed. Whenever ANY suspension component is changed, head straight for a wheel alignment place. I recently did a huge amount of work on my suspension & I only had to get it 600m to the wheel aligners & halfway there I hit 60kms the wheels started screeching & smoke started coming off them.... by the time I got there I'd almost melted the tyres 8O

Wheel alignment is critical, as mrx says thou, mechanics dont have the gear to do it. Although he should have insisted you get it done asap. I wouldn't be going back there.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:59 am
by FTO338
Hmm you have this problem for while mate, & you were showing it to me too last time we met. As the other pointed out, you need your car re-align every time u play with the height of your suspension, & I remember you had it change couple of times. But still, Lee should have told you that u needs an alignment. I go ask him today & see what he say about this.

If I’m not wrong msbchi, all the tyres you been using are 2nd hand?? So I think is fair to say that you tyres might worn out faster then new. I know some alignment place will tell you that they won't guarantee the alignments are in order even after they done it when you using 2nd hand tyres.

And apart from wheel alignment, wheel balance are very important too, I’ve seen ppl just change tyres & off they go, no balance & no alignment

not so stupid

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:38 am
by msbchi
That's precisely the point Kev, even though Lee was adamanat that it didn't need to be done once the original tyres scrubbed out I took it ot Beaurepairs Tooak Rd Burwood (don't go there) as I knew Lee didn't have the equipment to do it, That's when insanity took over as they would not touch it, maintaing my steering was fucked and that he was a mechanic and that whoever fitted the suspension must have stuffed it. That Ishould have it towed back and demand they (lee) fix it. THe absurd turned to the ridiculous when Lee sent it off to be fixed and the problem was put down to tyre pressure, I was not about to watch $100 bills go up in smoke so I had 2nd hand tyres fitted until I was sure it was o.k. and I knew it was more than just tyre pressure. The thing was though that when there was tread on the tyres it didn't drive too badly It was only after a month had passed and there was no tread left that it became suicidal. What pissed me off was that no one would do what I had originally asked to be done all those months and sets of tyres (3) ago, a simple wheel align sighting such reasons as tyre pressure to completely fucked steering. It was only when I spat the dummy and took it to Edgars Tyrepower in Blackburn Rd Monash (thouroughly recommend) that it was fixed. They did the long awaitd wheel align as well as camber and caster and once we were sure the tyres would not be bald in a month (unlike me from pulling out my little remaining hair) they got the buisness of fitting new tyres, and will get all future buisness. I'm not dissing Lee as he doesn't have the equipment, but whoever he sent the car to, kept it for two days and said it was fixed by putting in 40 psi is an arse, and that's all I'll say about that.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:44 am
by FTO338
I had the same problem when i try to get my alignment done, nothing was done after two days, :roll: i think the guy who try to do alignment for Lee is crap. I'm going to find out who it is & when i do, I think me & you going to have some fun with your new "security" system :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:51 am
by SchumieFan
wow... i cringe at the thought of going through 3 sets of tyres in as many months... not at $900 a set!

geez man, sent the dude a bill

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:50 pm
by msbchi
Fortunately I had a good set of 50% tread in the garage and YES most definately Kev my security system is looking very hungry at the moment.