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Group Buy: EL Kits for FTO Kick Plates

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:37 pm
by HiRAEdd
I'm going to be buying some electroluminescent/plasma neon foil/EL kit for my kick plates. If anyone is wanting replacements for theirs and would like to share the cost of postage, let me know and I'll add it to my order. Here is the ebay link to the product I am buying. ... 7956136613
This auction ends in about 19hours 23minutes so you'll need to be quick.

There is another one ending in about 5days 10hours 57minutes but it is more expensive, hence my rush on the first one. If you're not quick enough for the first one, maybe a group may be interested in this one. ... 7957689317

If you are interested in the first one ending in 19 hours, please call me on 0407 763 110 to arrange in case I do not get to my emails in time.

