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Article in Saturday's Age(Bad for Western Suburbs)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:18 am
by sxcfto
This is really BAD for people that live in the west and not all the people that live out this way are like this.... really sad that we keep being portrayed as HOONS because of the minority !

V8 tomcat libidos growl and howl
October 23, 2004

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Hot cars, hot chicks are disturbing the residents of Williamstown. Louise holds up one of the provocative numberplates.
Photo: Jason South

Williamstown's hot-as-hell mobile discos are about to get the red light, writes Suzanne Carbone.

The numberplate on the slick purple and grey Holden Rodeo ute says "HED-TNR". It sums up the psyche of the male driver. It's about chicks. Other plates say "SYKOVS", "SWICIDE" and BUSTME".

There is no need to go to a nightclub to pick up when you can do so in your mobile disco with thumping stereo, DVD player, air freshener and a testosterone-fuelled macho man behind the wheel with a libido as charged as his engine.

The boom-chikka, boom-chikka gets the chicks, then the boom turns into a bang. Love that burning rubber. That's the talk on The Esplanade in otherwise sleepy Williamstown, home to Premier Steve Bracks, former premier Joan Kirner, several magistrates and other professionals who value Willy's backwater charm and peaceful bay vista. And they want it back. But 19-year-old "Sken the Albanian" from Altona and other unofficial western suburbs Muslims have claimed the turf as their own.

"You pick up because of your car," says Sken, a bouncer, kickboxer and gift to women, apparently. He has four mobile phones: one for his girlfriend, one for bitches (his slant on potentials), one for work and one for business. What type of business? "Business," he says coldly. OK, then, I'd better mind my own... business.

Sken's 1981 orange Mazda RX7 was "totally f---ed" when he bought it last year for $2000 but he has lovingly invested $25,000 to bring it up to the standard for a stud. "It has a custom spray job, custom interior, rotary engine 12A turbo, DVD player, stereo and sub-woofer." Three air fresheners create that boudoir ambience. "When the chicks jump in, they go 'Mmm, that smells nice', and I might get a head job." Lucky him, because all the locals get is a headache.

Hobsons Bay's traffic management unit has run Operation Spinner along the beach for two years after an outcry by the council and residents about noise and speed. Removable bollards have been placed on the road between Forster and Giffard Streets and double lines painted to ban U-turns and burn-outs.

The coppers are being too hard - they need to ease off. It's bull****. Why do they let us buy this stuff if we can't use it?
- Rambo the Lebo

The operation was held 29 times last year and yielded 207 offenders, 291 traffic offences, 67 unroadworthy notices - canaries - and 14 criminal offences. There's nothing like the stigma of a canary to rid the area of cars; red-faced drivers don't want mates seeing the yellow. Don't get 19-year-old Axle started about canaries. "What's wrong with a low car with big wheels?" he demands to know.

Technology has upped the grunt of hoons in the 'hood: they hook up by SMS and the Commodore Cruise Club's "Unofficial Street Cruises/Meets" forum at, which lists a WeStErN SuBuRbS CrUiSe but "No Street Racing Events Allowed".

The warm weather means Operation Spinner has begun earlier than summer, and wisely so, given that the 32 degrees on October 12 drew 5000 people to the beach in rather ugly scenes: police were pelted with water balloons and stubbies and the road had to be closed.

Last Wednesday night in The Esplanade, Senior Constable Cameron Scott and Senior Constable Norman MacDonald manned the Garden Street corner while the western suburbs Muslims hung further up, the "them and us" ethnic warfare mentality as fuelled as a garlic-laden kebab. The brotherhood denounced State Government plans to confiscate cars under "anti-hooning legislation" because it is just police victimising boys from the west, and Muslims at that, even though one of them admitted to unlicensed driving.

It's their car and they'll tyre it how they want to, claiming low cars with fat wheels are safer. "The coppers are being too hard - they need to ease off," says 22-year-old "Rambo the Lebo" from Altona. "It's bull****. Why do they let us buy this stuff if we can't use it?"

The brotherhood has an unusual sympathiser in Senior Constable Scott, whose opinion has not been totally coloured by the red, green and blue headlight light globes he has seen. "They are not prohibited items for sale but they become illegal when you put them on the car," Senior Constable Scott says. "I sympathise with them that they can purchase these items: however, the legislation says if you want to drive the car it has to comply with the rules."

Senior Constable Scott thought he had seen it all until he pulled over a Trans Am on Wednesday. "It was the biggest stereo I've seen. The two woofers were the size of garbage bins." Size matters when you want to draw the chicks. Cars are not so much a mode of transport but a phallic symbol of prowess.

"It makes me feel like I've got something good, and it attracts attention," says Sken. How many chicks? "Depends how many I want, depends how many I can be bothered with."

Boys and their toys is only part of the story. Female car lover Datto, 27, from Sunshine used to prowl Willy in her 1997 modified yellow Toyota Supra but got sick of being hassled by cops and guys, so she formed the car club Girl Racer Vs. Girl Drifter to pursue her passion in peace. "I spent $35,000 on my car - I had to put my house on hold," Datto says.

Hobsons Bay councillor Angela Altair, armed with her "hoon file", has led the push for locals to reclaim their beach, saying the problem shifted to Williamstown after a crackdown at Altona when a child died in a burn-out accident. Next Tuesday, the council will introduce an irresponsible behaviour bylaw to augment bans on loud music and alcohol.

Zak, 20, says one solution is for police to hold legal drag racing in the inner city, similar to Sunshine's former Operation Drag Safe, where two purpose-built police drag race cars were used for "race a cop" meetings.

The brotherhood resents being treated like the bad guys. Many think they are doing the right thing by shunning violent nightclubs.

"Discos are full of heroes that want to stab guys," Zak says. They would much rather spin their discs behind the wheel, especially Sken the stud, whose favourite tune is Bang This. Boom-chikka, bang.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:37 am
by sxcfto
Post I posted from MCCR forums:

I must admit I am really offended by this article... I have lived in the western suburbs all my life and know so many people with modified cars out this way.

I know you get your minority of younger people out here that act as if they need to prove something!

BUT why should we ALL be put in this category ... not all of us are hoons in the west and there are a lot of people that just drive around and admire other rides.

I must admit I am a little disheartned to hear so many from the east agree that Western Suburbs car owners all fall into this category???

I remember a little way back when another article was done on a current affair program when the eastern suburbs were targeted for their Burn outs in main roads endangering the lives of normal citizens... we all didn's jump on the bandwagon and condem the southern suburbs!

I think we should all take a step back and look at it like this.....

No matter which suburb your living in in Melbourne you will always fall into the category of being a HOON if you drive a modfied vehicle, even if the only modifications you have are Graphics on your car!!

The general public and media put any of us in that category all you have to do is be in the wrong place at the wrong time !

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:07 pm
so... are we still going to Williamstown for the night cruise on the 12th?? :P

whilst i agree that NOT ALL westsiders are 'hoons', judging by some of the feedback & attitude from owners who commented in the article, i suppose i cannot blame the authorities for cracking down...

i'm aware the newspaper is biased but just by reading the comments tells me that these ppl have no utter concept or regard for safety, authority and courtesy... (how will you feel if some punks constantly ripped burnouts outside your 2-million dollar beachside mansion??)

one thing which annoys me though' is the racial tone in the article - i know we've heard many stories about hoons and cheapshots muzza/lebo jokes at chaps laps, but why single them out? i'm sure there are other tom, dick and harry from other ethnic backgrounds involved but to me this article is portraying muslims/lebo (in particular) as the main culprits which is unfair IMO...

end 2c

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:37 pm
by ruchi
I don't think this article is "west bashing", if anything it's males, Muslims and those with an ethnic background that the writer is making statements about.

If anyone should be getting offened it should be Muslims and "Lebos" but most of all males, as it very specifically implies that this is what males need to do to pick up.

Regardless of location, if this sort of stuff is happening, then good on the police for cracking down on it.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 2:50 pm
by FTO338
All i can say is, those hood will move from one beach side to the others, not matter what the authority do.

As i was taking a walk on the beach yesterday afternoon at port melbourne, those dumb ass was ripping the street with their "sicko" car.

So if they block Williamstown, the next closest beach suburb would be port melbourne. :cry:

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:51 pm
by thecook
hoons are everywhere, not just williamstown...

pretty much every day when i drive my car, whereever i go, i get some "hoon" tail gating me... usually they're P platers, wearing baseball caps...

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:18 pm
by FTO338
thecook wrote:hoons are everywhere, not just williamstown...

pretty much every day when i drive my car, whereever i go, i get some "hoon" tail gating me... usually they're P platers, wearing baseball caps...
Kirby you know, you got to thank your Veilside bodykit........ :?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:22 pm
by frayli
And the worst thing about all this is insurance companys use it as much as they can. i was thinking of making a slide show and sending it to JUST CARS with the first slide with JUST CARS then the 2nd with a pic of my car and them asking me to pay 4k a yr for full comp when i had it listed as cost price 6.5 then the last slide JUST SH$T i then decided that they would never accpet any files off strangers.... how disappointing lol

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:31 pm
by FTOluv
from reading the article i do understand how there are a lot of people out there they dont understand the car culture, but we also know no matter what activity it is, if just ONE person does something stupid and irresponsible everyone is then branded in that way.
As Mikey said what i didnt particularly like about the article is how it seem to target only 'Lebos' and Muslims. I dont know how they can tell a person religon/belief by how they look like!! that is truly unbelievable. 8O

Regarding the eastern and western suburbs hoon culture , i reckon its both the same. So I reckon the Williamstown stop/meet should be changed becuz the last thing we need is bad knocks about our club. [/b]

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:59 am
by Supplanter
I found the racist overtones in that article quiet disturbing. It reads a lot more like an article from the Herald Sun, I would expect more from the AGE :roll: