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Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:40 pm
by sxcfto
Man I can't Believe it ...... it's something that really Pisses me off (excuse the language but Im so Mad right now )

Went out last night was trying to enjoy the night after recovering from my accident ... went to a place in Doncaster (Venue 28) was ok came home at 4am this morning put my car into the garage and what do I see ????

SOME ONE KEYED MY CAR !!!!!!!!!!!!

I can not believe my Luck at the moment , as if the car accident wasn't enough now this !

I need some good luck whens it going to end !

There is nothing worse than someone keying another persons car it's just not on it's the lowest act on earth !

Not only do I have to respray my boot lid again ! I have to do a whole qrt Panel too .....:( Not happy Jan !

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 12:36 am
by FTO338
sh*t man, that suck, there are just way too many idiot out there!!! :evil:

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 1:07 am
by thecook
JEALOUS idiot!! its something we deal with as owners of nice cars ;) i think most people here have had their cars keyed, stolen, broken into, damaged etc.... its just a selfish/immoral thing to do..

i've never caught anyone keying or breaking into a car before, but if i do catch them doing it to my car or any other car... they're gonna be in big trouble!! lol... i dont want other ppl to go through the same experience i had to go through coz its just a waste of effort, time, money etc.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:25 am
by smorison
oh that sucks....

so sorry to hear that just after you finally get your car back this happens...

so people are just arseholes

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 2:03 pm
by sxcfto
It's pretty hard to take at the best of times but considering my circumstances at the moment Im probably feeling more down in the dumps about it all .... means another respray and thats annoying !

But looking at the other side it could have been a lot worse I guess .. someone could have taken my whole car and that would have really ticked me off !

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:38 pm
damn that's really gotta suck... sorry to hear about it Toni. :(

how bad is the scratch? perhaps you could use my spare bottle of touch-up paint to cover it up for the meantime?

i hope the culprits gets arse-raped in jail for this... just think about the karma - what goes aorund, comes around.

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:39 pm
by sxcfto
Thanks Mikey Im hoping the panel shop will be kind enough to help me out ... if not then will probably get a scratch and dent person out to touch it up for me , it's back to bare metal and is about 60 cms on the boot lid and about the same on the side back quarter panel both being done fairly deep so they didn't do it in half measures .. just full force :cry:

Anyway will see you guys on the next cruise that comes up!
