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Warning ! How lucky am i ?!?!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:53 pm
by barfy
I posted this in the general discussion forum but thought i would put it here aswell. Just a warning to ya guys the cop was waiting in the plaza car park while i gave it abit on smart road !

Hey Guys,

Had a lucky break last night, was coming out of a round about on to a long stretch of road thought i would give it abit mivec'd out of first and second and then back off abit... Was nearly home and red and blue lights started flashing in my rear view mirror !

At first i thought it was for not wearing a seat bealt but manage to slip it on while he was in his car punching in my rego. Anyway he comes to my window asks me to step out of the car.

First question was....

Whats the speed limit on Smart Rd ( the road i gave it abit on ) i replied ummm 60

He replies now my next question will decide how far i take this...

What was the speed u were doing ?

Ummmm 80 or 90 He goes yeah i would say atleast 90, i said although the motor may have sounded like it was going faster hehe

You know your looking at atleast a $300 fine and loss of your licence ? No i didnt realise that

Ever been in trouble with the police before ? No
Ever had a speeding ticket ? No
Would you like this to be your first tonight ? No

Well keep your speed down ! Your car looks as though it has abit of speed behind it but dont speed !

Hands back my drivers licence gets in he car and drives off

I drove home thinking how lucky am i !?!?!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:34 pm
by debbie
just one thing barf! i have done legal studies and one thing we learnt, was NEVER admit you were doing more than the speed limit. if they say how fast were u going? u say whatever the speed limit is. so many people dob themselves in because they admit it. if they have no speed camera or whatever............. u just dobbin yaself in. i seen too many people practically give speeding fines to themselves. u were lucky though :D

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 11:33 am
by barfy
Well considering he said

The answer to my next question will determine what i do next, i thought i better tell the truth...

Not knowing he couldnt do sh*t with out the proof....

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:02 pm
by Daz_FTO
Firstly why no seat belt? I cant beleive people still dont wear em...why?!?!?!?!

And secondly, he had no evidence that you were speeding apart from you and him hearing it so it probably wasnt likely that he could have given you a ticket anyway - probably a good move being nice to him. He probably could have ticketed you for a different driving offence if he wanted to, especially when you are doing 90 in a 60 zone.

Which direction were you going? East or West on smart rd?

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:04 pm
by ruchi
Personally I think you did the right thing because of what he said to you first. By stating "my next question will decide how far i take this" he is basically saying this is an attitude test and if you give me sh*t, I'll give you sh*t, as is the case most times when you get pulled over.

If you bullshitted to him and told him a false speed, and if he didn't have evidence of the real speed he wouldn't be able to get you for speeding, but because you failed his attitude test he would done something else instead, like look for defects.

The "attitude test" is always the key thing with police, fail that and you're screwed. But also never admit to doing anything wrong, unless they can prove it or if it is required to pass the "attitude test". I believe in your case you needed to admit to pass the test.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 12:00 am
by barfy
My thoughts excatley Ruchi....

Daz i took it off in the maccas drive thru and forgot to put it back on and not sure which direction i was going as i dont carry a compass around with me but i was heading towards tolley road :D

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 1:55 pm
by Daz_FTO
Sorry dude, yeah you were headin east i beleive. I dont condone the speeding thing, but did it hit 90 before the pedestrian crossing?

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:04 pm
by barfy
not sure but probably