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new DIY idea, just throwing it out there

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:24 pm
by BorepYano
Hey guys, I've actually been thinking about this since the last DIY day, but just never got around to posting it up.

what do you guys think about this idea:

instead of hosting the traditional DIY day, how about we have a working bee set up instead? i.e. maybe every month or so, we'll get together at 1 member's place and just work on their car? you know... everyone pitch in with what they can do to all work on only just that one car? (or a couple of cars, but the point is to agree o which one/s we are going to work on, and everyone pitch in)

I like the idea because I think we'd be able to get more done since it'll be easier to organise (it'll be up to the specific member to make sure all the necessary equipment and material are available etc...). of course we'll have to agree to still keep going to these after everyone's worked on our car, lol. and also it's something different. And we dont have to worry about space nearly as much, since this way we only have to need enough space to work on the one car.

I don't think this would be fair on say... Simon, since there's probably not much we'd be able to/he'd trust us to do on his car, but... I'm ok with taking advantage of him, anyone (apart from Simon) have a problem with it? :D

to some it up:
we figure out whose car, where and when.
the owner makes a list of things to do.
the owner makes sure everything needed is available.
ppl show up to help.
owner provides pizza/BBQ for lunch.

just throwing it out there, feel free to tell me what you think :)

Re: new DIY idea, just throwing it out there

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:36 pm
by I8A4RE
Sounds good mate.

I will have to add this though.

Guys DIY days are not for diagnosing problems. Firstly 9/10 times, I dont have the equipment and/or secondly the time to spend diagnosing is to great. You are better off starting a thread on here prior to the day so I can get a heads up on your issue or even taking to a mechanic to get diagnosed and then I will do the work, for you.


Re: new DIY idea, just throwing it out there

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:41 pm
by Kustom
Sounds good but I think the problem we have with DIY's is that.. well, we don't really have THAT much to do, or if so, it's a 1-2person job so .. yeah.

I'm always keen to do somethin so yeah i'm in.

Re: new DIY idea, just throwing it out there

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:29 pm
by BorepYano
well this might just be me, but i have a whole bunch of little things that needs doing (i.e. when garth and simon did my window rails, I've actually put that off for about 4yrs lol). and if there's a bunch of these little jobs, we can all get together and work on different bits at the same time.

and just to be clear, I'm not planning on getting a dozen members together for these or anything like that, probably will only be a few ppl anyway (i.e. probably less ppl than the last DIY day).

Re: new DIY idea, just throwing it out there

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:53 pm
by Kustom
Well you organise it and i'll be in it.

Re: new DIY idea, just throwing it out there

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:06 pm
by BorepYano
sticky-ed for now (if there's not enough interest I'll take it down)

Re: new DIY idea, just throwing it out there

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:43 pm
by Kustom
Good to see your doing something around here yang.