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SYDNEY, White Indigo dials CHEAP

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 12:16 pm
by Cohn
Hey dudes, this is the deal,

I just spoke to El-dials wholesalers, what they are willing to do is to cut down the price on they're dials (installed) if FTO owner's do it together in a group

They are usually $300 installed for dash, $150 installed for centre console.

But he said he would accept 2 FTO's for $250 each installed, and the more people we get together who will go to them, the greater discount we will get...

So generally, at the moment i'm looking for someone else who would be interested so we can begin to shave the prices.

So, anyone in Sydney interested in white illuminous indiglo dials (el-dials)...

maximum price (should go lower with more ppl):

250$ for dash
100$ centre console

Installed with warranty...

call me on xxxxxxxx if your interested and we'll get it fitted this w.e...


Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:03 pm
by G1
I might be interested, do you have pictures/expamples/web sites??

This is not E-tronic?

Although I cant do it this weekend... but can do the weekend after (before the cruise!)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:37 pm
by G1
Ok, I've just spoken to my friend Christian at E-Tronics (they do the El-Dials) and he said we need 5 minimum orders. They need a deposit first and need 3 days to make it. Then we can schedule different times to go it and get it fitted.

$350 including centre console. (Usually $450)

They have a range of colours (I am probably opting for the green/blue or light purple)

here is the list of blacklight options

blue/green (only one which is 2 tone)
light purple

one thing we all have to agree on is the colour of the writing

the face is obviously white in colour but the standard colour for writing is black (red for the redline)

if we want a different colour (say white/blue) then we all have to agree on that.

I say just stay with the standard white/black

Come on let's get 5 at least, and if we get more I'll try and get an even better price

We've got


Who's next?? (They are in Parramatta. Sydney)

BTW, Manual/Auto Doesnt matter!

heres the web site

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:48 pm
by Hez
G1 can u give me a number to call etonic about installation of dials as i have one and dont know how to fit it.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:53 pm
by G1
which dials did you get? im sure they will fit it for you at a price :mrgreen:

try calling 9683 5880

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:28 pm
by Hez
this one which deres a little button where u can change colour from blue to green havent done it yet.


Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:49 pm
by elmo
I'm intereted but...

What will be the top speed on the dials???

I've seen the pommy ones and they read to 180mph which is almost 300k's. I figure fitting the Mph converter and delimiting it makes the speedo read at a differt rate and therefore reads to a higher maximum.

Does anyone know if this is how it works?
If so I'm keen to do the mods required, can they do the dials?
and who else wants em to read higher?

I guess we need 5 to get em like that too...

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 3:23 pm
by G1
The dials will read exactly the same as the standard.

If you want to de restrict yours and re-calibrate your speedo then yeah you will have to get them to make a custom one just for you. Unless you find some others who want to do the same.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 7:06 pm
by Cohn
Ok, so far its:....


Comeon dudes, we can all score a good bargain, its definately worth it...

2 more atleast, and if more we'll be able to go lower...

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 11:34 am
by FTO2sxy
yeah count me in but i cant do it till the 5th of june, if uz can wait till then im in

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 11:55 am
by G1
FTO2sxy, all we need a $50 deposit. so they go ahead and make the 5 sets. As for installation, it's actually better for them if we go in at different date/times and you can fix them up with the balance at that time.

Ok we need one more


elmo you made up your mind yet?? are you in sydney btw?

Please e-mail me at jiwan @ ozemail . com . au

and we'll organise the deposit

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 12:06 pm
by G1
FTO2sxy, all we need a $50 deposit. so they go ahead and make the 5 sets. As for installation, it's actually better for them if we go in at different date/times and you can fix them up with the balance at that time.

Ok we need one more


elmo you made up your mind yet?? are you in sydney btw?

Please e-mail me at jiwan @ ozemail . com . au

and we'll organise the deposit

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 12:50 pm
by Hez
hey G1 can u ask your friend for a discount for me!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 1:15 pm
by G1
You already have dials don't you... Have you rang them yet? How much did they say for install?

Is is the El-Dials??

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 2:01 pm
by Hez
60-120 bucks! need your help G1. yes and its only the dash. please help

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 2:13 pm
by G1
60 bucks sounds bloody cheap for a 2-3 hour job man! i'll mention when we get 5, that theres one more who's doing just install and work out a price... but i doubt he can work out anything fantastic since they do have to pay someone to do the job you know...

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 2:16 pm
by Hez
yeh i no 60 is ok but 120! and he only said an hour. i mite go dere today and c how it goes.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 4:18 pm
by G1
oh yeah sorry its the centre console that adds a fair bit of time to it...

sorry man if i knew the owner or something... but my friend just works there... tell us how you go...

why dont you pay extra $100 and get the centre console done as well?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 4:23 pm
by Hez
yeh i got it done at etronic! good price as well. the centre console he said was for 150 mayb next week he'll do it for 100.
they're nice ppl and it should be easy to get ppl to buy it coz its soooo cheap at 350 all up!!!!!

com'on guys