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Defected and fined for Halos

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:47 am
by Sophia
On Friday afternoon just after work, was pulled over on the busiest section of road in Hervey Bay and defected for my green halos. :evil:

The guys were absolute jerks and disreguarded the fact Ive been pulled over 3 other times and told they are ok because they arent and emergency colour.... :evil: :evil:

I got a $60 fine, defect notice and no points....even though the cop said " I could of given you a $160 fine and taken points but I let you off" whatever you moron

They were hooked up by a switch and I could turn then off whenever I wanted but that aparently wasnt good enough, so I had the switch removed and the wires tucked away but I could still use them if I hook them up again :twisted:

You cant remove the Halo from the headlight without destroying the light can you? Thats what I had my mechanic write on a fake bill and we just have the switch with the fine so hopefully its good enough

And to top its all off, it was the day before my 18th :evil:

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:31 pm
by Teania
Legally - the only colour lights you can have displayed whilst on the road (this is driving or parked) is - front facing - white (headlights) - rear facing- red (brakes) - then amber for indicators/ emergency.

We have underbody neons - if we switch these on whilst parked on the road -we can be defected as they are considered distracting.

The pretty little blue lights that people put in their washer jets are also defectable - if you get a cranky cop.


Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:33 pm
by Sophia
Yeah its understandable, just wouldnt be so angry if they were consistent in what they say, If the first guy had of said they were illegal, I wouldnt of had an issue, except it was 3 different times of being pulled over and told they were ok :?

I suppose Im just glad I didnt lose any points aswell

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:33 pm
by harry90
happy 18th....i wouldnt bother taking them off...just find a dodgy mechanic to sign the notice....

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:40 pm
by Sophia
Yeah the boyfriends dad is a mechanic and removed the switch and just explaind on the fake bill that they cannot be removed without destroying the light.

Thanks for the happy birthday :D

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:12 pm
by Sophia
just got back from the police station for the defect, this is how it went before he even saw the car ....

Cop " Im guessing its the FTO?"
Me "what makes you guess that"
Cop "we have all seen it, green car green lights? we dont think anything of them, not really an issue"
Me "well I have been pulled over several times and told they are ok as they arent an emergency colour"
Cop "yeah they arent blue or red so its usually ok, you probably just got a grumpy guy having a sh*t day"

Hate it when people with authority have bad days :(