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R.I.P. Daniel Pieszko 1990 - 2009

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:42 am
by Lawso
I know that no one here knows him, or even knows of him. but I haven't slept for 2 days since my mate Daniel passed away from cancer on the 19th of Feb. in Poland, and I need a place to vent.

Daniel Pieszko was a good friend of mine who i went to high school with. he was diagnosed with cancer in his left shoulder after running into a wall playing representative squash in "A" grade for Marist College Pagewood in early 2008. in September, his left arm and shoulder were amputated to get rid of the cancer in his shoulder, which was successful, turning up at my 18th no more than 2 weeks later after having this surgery. He topped the hospitality course at high school, and wanted to be a professional chef.

The last time i saw him was at one of Daniels best friends' 18th birthday BBQ's, to which he was looking in great condition for missing an arm and on chemo therapy, smashing the bowlers all around the park when we played a game of cricket.

Daniel went to Poland to see his family for a holiday in late January.

He passed away on the night of Friday February 19 in Poland with his family and relatives

All this is only just hitting me and sinking in now, and i can't handle it. I'm sorry if this breaks forum rules, but there is no one to talk to at 1.30am and in tears.

I'm not asking for help, or sympathy, i just needed to vent because I'm not ready to take this yet, although, if you could spare a thought or a prayer for Daniel and his family and close friends, I'm sure they will be appreciated by family and friends.


Rest In Peace mate, you will be missed, and never forgotten

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:57 am
by yano
Mate, fuk the forum rules, that's seriously sad to hear. I'm sorry for your loss and my sympathy goes to his family. Really does suck when someone close to you passes away, especially at such a young age. Not sure what to say to you that'll help but vent as much as you like mate, especially if it helps. No matter what fuked up things happen, life eventually goes on but things and ppl don't get forgotten. Hope you can find sleep and peace soon mate

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:59 am
by dstocks
In all honesty, I cant think of a better post to put up mate. Its tragic when this happens to someone so young. Its also a lot harder on the friends and relatives because its so unfair and unexpected. You need to grieve and who are we to tell you how. I feel for your loss mate. And I have to say that the world would be a better place if there were more friends like you.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:21 am
by aza013
sh*t mate thats not good, I 2nd what dstocks and yano28 said.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:21 pm
by sublime19
Sorry for your loss, I know it's hard.

Maybe to make it a bit more easier, think about the good times you had with him (and the bad). He was a true friend, and people say if you ever find one true friend in your life, consider yourself lucky. It's kinda like "it's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all".

It's hard not having him around anymore but after the initial shock of it all wears off, let him be your motivation and encouragement.

As you said, he was strong throughout the whole thing, if he wanted to, he could've acted depressed but he chose to be in high spirits and make the best of what he has, because feeling pity for oneself isn't going to change anything for the better, it'd be worrying about something you have no control over. I'm sure he would want you to smile and feel positive everytime you think of him.

All the best.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:40 pm
by xSlurpee
oh im sorry for your loss of a good mate benny, lifes unfair :(
may daniel rest in peace

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:54 pm
by Astron_Boy
I also had a friend pass away now 4yrs ago with the exact same circumstance.
Was found with cancer in his shoulder after straining his muscle on the ski slopes.
Even after his surgery and kemo he just kept deteriorating.

I know exactly how you feel and can wholey sympathise.
My thoughts are with you and his family through this truely grieving time.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:29 pm
by I8A4RE
Mate, thats really sad, our thoughts are with you and the rest of his family and friends. I can honestly say reading what you wrote brought a tear to our eyes. Such a shame at such a young age.

Nothing gives me more pride though to see that you feel comfortable in sharing this with us, as we are one big family here.

When something like this happens it really makes you look around and realise what we have and how we should enjoy every day we are given

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:50 pm
by nvr2low
mate my heart goes out to you and his family. I know how you feel mate my gfs mum passed away recently and it hit me hard a few days later. But as others have said mate just remmber the great times you have had with him and let him pick u up when your down mate. Cancer is a harmful diease that doesn't discriminate I feel for you mate.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:09 pm
by koolio1234
Im sorry to hear about whats happened, must be pretty devastating on you as well as his family and friends. :(

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:31 pm
by calvin
Really sorry to hear mate , wouldnt know how to cope with it if I was in your shoes , to be honest its such a tragedy for such a young man to pass away when his adult bright future has only just came to to life. RIP daniel .....

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:34 pm
by J
so sorry to hear mate. Its the worst feeling when you loose someone close to you. Like simon said this forum is family man... If you've got troubles - we've gott your back...

You've done a brave thing i must admit... When a family member passed on in my family, i withdrew from everyone and kept to myself, and spent a year crying myself to sleep.

Just know you got friends here who want to help out if you ever need it.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:37 am
sorry to hear man. hope all the memories of your mate will keep ya strong.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:37 pm
by manofwood
sorry to read that. pardon me for possibly a stupid question, but how does cancer appear from an impact?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:42 pm
by Lawso
Hey guys

i just got back from a retreat that my friends suggested for me to take my mind off things, and i feel heaps better. thank you all for your posts of good wishes. I and my friends and Daniels family appreciate them all.
manofwood wrote:sorry to read that. pardon me for possibly a stupid question, but how does cancer appear from an impact?
Not a stupid question :). from what i heard, and i might be wrong, there already was cancer in his shoulder, and running into the wall aggrivated it to the point his arm needed to be amputated. for about 2 months prior to being diagnosed his shoulder was twice the size and filled with fluid that i don't know about, but yeah. Not too great.
I8A4RE wrote:Mate, thats really sad, our thoughts are with you and the rest of his family and friends. I can honestly say reading what you wrote brought a tear to our eyes. Such a shame at such a young age.

Nothing gives me more pride though to see that you feel comfortable in sharing this with us, as we are one big family here.

When something like this happens it really makes you look around and realise what we have and how we should enjoy every day we are given
I don't know why i felt comfortable posting here to think of it now, although all the guys and girls in this club are really good people, and i really want to meet you all if possible. tbh i didn't even expect a respone, i just needed to vent, but the fto community cares, and i feel really happy that next time something like this may come up, that i can share it and feel comforted by th members of this wonderful club

thanks again to everyone who thought about my mate daniel, posted here wishing family and friends good will, or if you even said a prayer or similar for him. It means so much

- Ben

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:37 pm
by Lawso
Daniel is on RPA on channel 9 at 8pm on wednesdays if anyone wants to watch and learn abit more about his story

Thank you all again


Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:12 pm
by nvr2low
hey mate was this on last night as i watched it mate. He went to his year 12 formal is that correct mate because that was a very moving story mate.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:38 am
by FTEvolution
Hey fella, I don't know why I never saw this post before, but my condolences also go to you and his family.

It is so tragic when the young pass, and it is even worse for parents to have to lose their children, it should never be that way.

I have lost many family members to cancer, I also donate to the cancer foundation when I can. It is the worst of all diseases as it can hit anyone.

I pray for anyone struck by that illness, and I will pray for him too. Take comfort that he no longer has to feel pain. Never forget him, always honour him!

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:02 pm
by Lawso
it was on wednesday night, he was the bald bloke who had the chest operation. year 12 formal was so strange, because we all knew that the next week at school he would have no left arm. we have a youtube channel just for daniels parts on rpa, you can see it here.

R.I.P. Daniel, you will never be forgotten

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:21 pm
by sublime19
I watched the youtube videos, it's truly heartbreaking.

Watching his parents face as they were breaking the news to him and them was very upsetting.

Once again, my condolences..