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Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 4:30 pm
by Cohn
Hey guys, not really to do with FTO's, but why would anyone actually spend $1000 more on a brand name Alloy like Oz racing or momo etc... when you can buy replica's which are IDENTICAL for half the price? I hope that people choose to buy brandies for reason's other than a little cap in the middle that says "MOMO"

Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 5:07 pm
THis is due to the quality and materials that is used. Alloys such as OZ racing cost more is because they are lighter in weight and the finish is better quality.

For performance and handling a lighter rim is better

Posted: Sun May 18, 2003 6:12 pm
by FTO338
Will is right, i've seen lots of replica's got damage or bended after few hums & bums (so sad) & end up getting another set of rims which basically end up paying the same price of a good set of rims at the first place, why bother???

Is like u asking ppl why buy the real Tag, Omega, Rolex, when u can get the fake one. Simple the fake ones don't work after few yrs while the real does!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 2:29 pm
by Jono
If you put crap on your car, guess what, your car goes crap too.

couldnt imagine WRC cars using speedy rims on their cars......

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 5:20 pm
i agree with everyone here... i had 17" BBS rims on mine and although i have driven FTOs with stock wheels before, they don't make much noticeable difference.... but being a picky bastard that i am, since i switched to Buddy Club P1's, they are genuinely lightweight and you can really feel there's less frontal weight at the streering when cornering hard. Hell, they're even easier to carry (with tyres fitted) than my original BBS rims (same size) coz there is a good 5-10kgs per rim... I can't say for the difference in accelleration but as the old addage goes, you get what you pay for. You may get the same look, but you will never get the same cred, materials and technology.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 7:37 pm
Yeah, that's right, you definately get what you pay for.

I have a set of OZ Racing Superleggeras (in gunmetal) and I love 'em. I would definately consider OZ again for my next car. You can't go wrong with light weight rims!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 12:29 am
by G1
hey d-train, any pics of your car with those rims on?? and how much?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 12:21 pm
G1, no I haven't got any pics with the new wheels on. But they cost me $2500 all up including cost of tyres. The OZ Racing website has pictures of them. I have a symphonic silver coloured FTO, so I think the gunmetal rims really goes well. They are 17X7. The next size up is 17X8 or the 18" or 19" range.

It was a hassle getting the rims though. I eventually had to get it from Ireland (of all places) because OZ didn't have a distributor in Australia at the time. I rang everywhere in Sydney to try to get them. Some places had other OZ rims but not Superleggeras. Even had to pick them up from the air frieght port and arrange for customs myself. Not a bad experience!

But it was all good in the end. Probably wouldn't have cost much less if I could've found them here. I did save a lot on taxes though because I managed to get around it with the help of the dealer :).

I'm in Sydney, so if there's a cruise and work permitting, I shall be there and you can see them for yourself!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 2:08 pm
by G1
Thats a good price man! which tyres did you get? did the tyres come from Ireland too? and how did you get around the taxes??
My car is silver too and the gumetal grey is exactly what i am after as well

Yeah someone should organise a Sydney cruise soon.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 3:07 pm
white wheels would look tight on a silver car too.... kinda like the peugeot 206 WRCar or Ford V8 supercar. Just make sure they are 5-spokes with thick spokes and a nice deep centre hub (like Enkeis RC5Ms or OZ Cronos)

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 4:42 pm
G1, I've got some Taiwanese brand tyres (Federals) at the moment. It does the job though, can't really complain about tyre noise or grip. I know there are much better brands out there but my driving is pretty conservative (weekends and days off), and I don't do track either. Rather spend the money somewhere else.

Yeah with the taxes, basically they taxed me using the money figure in pounds rather than in converted Australian currency. So I thought that was sweet.

Hey if you're willing to go through all the trouble I did, don't get the same wheels as me man!! Try to get something different :P

Some people like the white wheels silver car look, but personally I think white rims, white car looks the best. Actually come to think of it, white car and gunmetal rims looks pretty good too (think EVO VII). If only I could've found a white FTO.....

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 9:30 pm
yeah, there are times when i wish i had a white FTO instead... but finding one in manual was a bitch, let alone a factory-equipped sunroof!!

if i had a manual, i'd get gold wheels or gun-metal with deeeep polished silver dishes... D1 drift style! :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 9:38 pm
by Jono
hahah how bout Red n white enkei mags?? hahah :D

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 9:59 pm
believe it or not, that thought had crossed my mind many times before... but enkei RP02's (like the one in your av) is very old school... I just needed a refreshing change... :P :wink:

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:43 pm
by Jono
hahah, im trying to bring them back in... nah but because im originally from sydney,... i havent seen many red white combo's or Enkei rp01's which is my wheel model....

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:51 pm
by G1
d-train, come on man you bought an FTO to drive it conservatively?? well I have heard some bad stories about Federal tyres too, so lucky you will be driving like that.

dont worry my favourite out of the oz racing line is the supertourismos, i just want to see how yours looks on a silver FTO (for that silver with charcoal wheels look), and i dont like copying so yeah lets be original! :P

If you could dig up more info about the dealer you bought them from I would appreicate it.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:54 pm
G1, you should hook up with - they are in NSW and can get you the OZ wheels that you're after... however, i been told by 3 different wheel suppliers in melb that nobody in Oz are offical distributors of OZ wheels, and most often they have to be specially ordered in from the UK...

I had wanted to get the OZ Crono Evolutions but they said unless i was willing to pay $1000 a pop, there's no way of getting them into the country... :roll:

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 11:25 pm
Advans, Advans!!!

Oh wait

Volks TE37 or CE37!!!!!!

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 11:38 pm
G1, yeah I must admit I take it for a fang here and there but I'm not on the road enough to justify spending too much on tyres. If it was my daily driver then I'll probably consider performance tyres. Honestly though, I have not had any problems (touch wood) with the tyres. So I'm not going bad mouth them in case people are considering them (they are not expensive).

With the alloys, I got them from Toshe Trading, and their website is:

You may want to contact Tony Mc Lornan ( and he wil be able to explain to you the logistics of getting them rims. You may want to tell him you heard about them from David in Sydney,Australia with the FTO. I spoke to him on the phone as well and he's a very helpful bloke. Good person to deal with.

But G1, make sure you have exhausted all possibilities to get these rims before you go down this route. I got mine 6 months ago so things may have changed in terms of suppilers (I very much doubt it but you never know). Prepare for some hassles, but they will be worth it!!

Email me if you need anymore specific info.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2003 11:42 pm
WILL wrote:Advans, Advans!!!

Oh wait

Volks TE37 or CE37!!!!!!
they're too expensive as a fashion statement, but functionally you'll benefit from them if you race your car often enough i suppose...

Mmmm... Would love to get my hands on the Advan Connoiseur 51C or TC-IIs!! the novelty of TE37s have kinda grown out of me now... :?