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Beware of dodgy car importers...!!

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 8:01 pm

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 11:09 pm
by FTO338
As far as i can c, this guys just beening a "true" businessman, avoiding all those dodgy tax & regulation we got in Oz

He might use faulse name, but that doesn't mean he bring in dodgy cars. Ok the point is, how can anyone tell if the car were bring 2 Oz under a faulse name???

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 7:21 am
by nm30gv
The guy might be a buisness man but it is still fraud.
Read a story last christmas whilst in N.S.W. about a bloke
who was importing cars from japan and U.S. and they found that 82%
were stolen and when the fed police raided his warehouse found
another 15. The poor young blokes and gals that had bought an
import from this guy had their cars taken away from them and
returned to country of origin. These included FTO's, GTO's,Lancers,
Camaros and they also listed 1 70's trans-am. They are the sort
of people all of us have to be careful of as imports are hard to
check previous owners. Also in a motor mag that scracy has there is
a report in regards to the evo lancers in Japan, something about them being stolen and the figures show that basicly every lancer in 'The Land
of the Rising Sun' has been stolen "TWICE". 8O :?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:42 am
by ruchi
Regardless of what the item is, if taxes and duties have been avoided and Customs or the ATO find out about it, they MUST be paid. If the importer of the product is no longer in business, or if they can't track them down, then it will fall on the current owner of that equipment to pay the taxes and duties.

A similar issue to this happened with computer equipment about 2 years ago. The business had shut down and the person was broke, but the authorities were able to get a copy of his sales receipts, and they went around to every person who had bought stuff from him and made the end user pay for the duties and taxes that he had avoided.


Unfortunately, there is no easy way for a person buying the equipment / car to know if the business is doing everything legally. All you can do is look for the obvious signs such as how long they have been in business, if they have a good reputation etc. This won't necessarily protect you, but it will reduce the risk of dealing with someone dodgy

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:24 pm
i can think of a few shonky importers in melbourne whom i suspect are doing the dodgy thing too... if they can get their arse around the law, imagine how they can dick you too...

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 6:20 pm
by thecook
there are a lot of dodgy people and dodgy business' out there...

some people cheat the government, they dont call it cheatnig, they just call it another way to save money... but some ppl get so misinformed and are so thickheaded that they only wanna listen to what they want (rumors), and end up doin the dodgy thing with out knowing it...

theres a few dodgy ppl i wanna track down myself, as they've done a runner on me... i should also report a few stores for not giving me a f**king receipt when i asked for one... muthafucking dodgy ppl piss me off, just to save a few bux

its wrong to cheat ppl and the government, if your caught doin it, i geuss its your own fault for doin it in the first place!!!

i know a few ppl that have frauded/decieved the governemnt and made millions outta it, they're still rich and making more money off their dodgy stuff... even though they've been caught and sent to prison

but i geuss its easy to cheat the government, and get away with it, but if u get caught, u'll be fucked, coz they'll track u done no matter how long it takes....

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 9:47 am
by Raven
they can be easyer to pick out as they tend to want to sell there cars quicker then normal by adding in little bonuses like free rego, or a new cd stacker or something like that to take your mind of the fact that they imported it illegaly, they tell you everything you want to hear to.

sound just like a normal car dealer actually, but there are subtle hints to pick up on.

i came very close to buying one from a dodgy dealer before i got my FTO.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 6:01 pm
by rxboy
How do you check if a newly imported car from Japan was stolen or not? I don't think it's possible. If it has no plates to begin with, then none of those VicRoads services will yield anything.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 6:26 pm
jot down the compliance plate number from the engine bay and track it down with Vicroads/RTA/etc.... dunno how much that'll help but from memory i think in Japan they need some sort of release papers (to ensure they are not stolen) when bought at the auction before the car can be shipped over to Oz...