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What was Mt Glorious like?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:31 pm
by mr-charisma

I'm wanting to head out for a Mountain drive soon, just wondering what everyone thought of Mt Glorious, and does anyone have any other suggestions for somewhere that is a nice cruisy drive or good for high speed thriller driving :P I've heard that theres a good spot out near Esk and maybe Mt Warning, but am unsure about either.

Whereever i end up going i'll get back to you guys about what it was like & might be able to go for a group run if it turns out to be alright.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:44 pm
by RallyMad
Mate the roads from Beerwah and Landsborough up through esk to Hapton (half way between Toowoomba and Crows Nest) are bloody great. Just got to watch for slow traffic and I've found sticking to the speed limit can be pretty entertaining itself on that road. The road from Esk around Lake Somerset are awesome too but really tight and narrow, if you get behind a slow car you want be able to overtake them. Probably best avoiding this stretch in the school holidays. I was hoping to organise a future cruise down this road at some stage next year for those that would be up for the drive. It could potentially work out to 3 or 400 km's by the time you return to Brissy.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:54 pm
by Joey1987
Mt Glorious is an awesome mountain to drive up. You will definitely get a thrill out it. But because it’s a well known mountain, and it’s known for its roads there are lots of cops on it! And it doesn’t take that long to drive up.

Another one that’s good but not so popular is Mt Nebow (it’s next to Mt Glorious) it’s a good one too, really windy road up there and it goes for eva. You want thriller driving go up up there for a drive. It’s good; it has a few straights (so you can ova take people) as well as being really widey most of the way.

I’m sure there are beta places to go but that’s where I grew up (at the bottom of it, in The Gap) so that’s where I go if I want to go for a fun drive.

Let me know if you are gona go up there and i might come too.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:08 pm
by FtoSam
Hehehe... only been here a few days and already digging up threads..
But if you like, me and Adam (AdzFTO) go up there every now and then...
Keep an eye out for the Red And Blue (Adz and Me) You should hear adam from his 3.5" Exhaust and you should see my blinding lights (too lazy to adjust them yet..)

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:10 pm
by Joey1987
Well let us know when you’re heading up there again. And I prob tag a long. i have never taken the FTO up there only ever been up there in my BF's car. hes into the old muscel cars.

When you say that you guys go up there do you mean mt glorious or Nebo?

I live at Brighton (ova the north side/near Red-Cliffe) so it takes me 30mins or so to get ova there, but yeah I’m keen to go up.

All my friends drive typical chick cars (festivas and sh*t) and aren’t into them so I really want to meet some other girls with FTO’s! No offence to you guys or anything just be good to talk to a girl about cars, coz guys get to technical for me (I’m still a beginner when it comes to imports.)

The only thing about going cursing with outher’s is that I only have one point left im on good behaviour and I couldn’t live if I lost my licence!! So I wouldn’t want to get caught speeding. Not that I’m the type to go granny style or anything, but I may be classed as one compared to how typical guys drive :!:

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:31 pm
by FtoSam
We go up Nebo usually..
But we generally go everywhere.
Chick drivers you should chat to Chelsea. (Chelly). She has a mildly worked GPX. And she's a good driver. She's on pretty much every cruise with us... and she lives at cashmere.
Other chicks include Michelle (Watupshell) who has yet to come on a cruise and also kirsty (Pinkgoesfaster) who i believe you spotted the other day.
Other than that, most of us guys usually have a chicky in the front seat (Except Yano hehehe)...
If you come on a cruise you'll never be the only girl.
Chelsea is very nice and is usually quite involved in the club (although she doesnt seem to be around as much lately). Oh and i almost forgot Sammi (MissXFTO) she drives a black fto. Sorry Sammi.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:55 pm
by MissxFTO
Yeh!!! so you should be :(

Im keen to go on cruises.. you know this!

Let me know of the next one and i will be there..
