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Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:54 pm
by mrx
I regret that at this point in time I will have to withdraw my support from the forthcoming cruise.

It is an unfortunate circumstance, but I have had another engagement, one that I cannot get out of, come up for this Sunday.

I was looking forward to the drive and the bbq, but things outside my control have conspired against me.

Rest assured, you can count on my continued support at future events (I see we are already confirmed for the Xmas bbq :D ).

The real disappointment was that I could have shown off my new camera, and gone nuts taking way too many photos.

Anyhow, please accept my apologies and I look forward to your company in the near future. I hope the weather turns before Sunday. I will be sacrificing a virgin/goat (whichever is easiest) to help in this cause.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 7:52 pm
by Bluntman
Hey, does anybody have any piccies from this cruise??
They probly werent the best due to the rain.... but anyways.. anybody>?