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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 5:55 pm
I think the Spec sheet is a good idea for Mini Shows and displays etc, like what Mikey said. I think people who have "not" modified there car at all, would feel left out because there sheet is blank. Which would probably make a person feel uncomfortable.

For Instance:

If my car wasnt modified at all and it was stock as stock can be, If I went to a meet and saw everyone's spec sheet was listed full of different modifications, I would feel a bit alienated, becuase I have no modifications on car. Even though I know no-one means no harm, I myself would feel left out. There are a lot of people who are not interested in modifying cars, but love owning a FTO

Just my 2c

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:33 pm
by ruchi
That's a valid point Brendan and one I had not thought of. I hope that this would encourage newbies to interact more, but I can understand that some might feel embarassed or left out.

Based on this, how about we have nominated spec sheet events and non spec sheet events? If we had one every quarter this would give us a good mix, allowing those who are embarassed to be aware of it, while those who are really interested in finding out what others have done don't have to wait too long for the next one.

The spec sheet events don't have to be as formal as a "show 'n shine" or "mini show", in fact I think it would be better if they weren't, but rather all it has to mean is that at this event you should remember to bring the spec sheet along and stick it in your window for others to see.

I think that would provide a good balance, what do others think?

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:43 pm
by FTO338
Well I just think the easiest way is to get some of the old member to pick one newbie each & intro them around.

Is just like Open day in High School/Uni. No paper work, no embarrassment.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:00 pm
by ruchi
But then we get back to the point that not all the mods are obvious and that we don't all know what mods each of us have done. Even you admitted to this Kev
FTO338 wrote:But it would be good to see what others had done to their "love one" since previous cruise/meet/mini meet.
I find it interesting that the newbies and those who come less often want this concept, yet our state coordinator and those who have been around longer are less supportive of it. Don't we want to make these people feel more welcome and share more information with them?

I'm going to give up on this now, as I get the feeling I'm flogging a dead horse, but I will say that if people are asking for it (especially newbies) then we should consider it, or something similar to it.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:13 pm
by FTO338
Hey don't try to put me on the spot here mate, i'm just giving another suggestion.

I'm not against the spec sheet here, but after reading brendan's post, his got a point, so i though i just give another opinion/option.


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:20 pm
ruchi wrote:hey Jun, if we did that would you turn up to more events? Haven't seen you since the photoshoot last year!
I've been pretty busy dude with the photography side of things, and it's getting more and more busier!!!
Most of the meets/cruises are held on weekends and generally i have to keep them open purely on the car photography and find that at times i'm sitting around waiting for the weather!!!
But yeh i'll have to come on a cruise at some point soon!!!

As for name tags, i'm not fussed, i'll go up2 anyone and say hi, so i'm unphased at having to chat to anyone or everyone!!! get on my bad side and u'll know about it.. simple :) nah, i'm pretty easy going...

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:41 pm
by nm30gv
The idea of the 'SPEC' sheet is good on one hand as for those who have not modified their ride could be new to the custom car scene and dont know where to start or what looks good or works. In motor racing everyone hides everything from everyone else and then you have the 'haves and the havenots'. but in the form of motor racing that I'm involved in (hillclimbs) everyone shares and before you know it people are talking about how this mod worked or what troubles they had sourcing it let alone fitting it.

On the other hand there is the flipside of those who want to keep their car stock standard, as I saw in a show on Foxtel about Harley Davidson, the rarest Harley of them all is one that has not been modified ( get the idea). This has also happened to me in the Monaro club of Victoria as I had a reasonably stock '73 GTS 4 door and did not want to mod it in any way but the others in the club kept on at me to dump the 253 in favour of a bigger lump of iron.

By the way whats the point of giving out experence if people dont want to use it or accept it ie problems with fitting body kits or engine mods. You feel like your wasting you voice.

Good idea ruchi and good point brendon. can see meaning in both camps.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 2:33 am
by akumi
yeah, good point, maybe everybody fills in their spec sheet and just show it if ppl ask, coz i really wanna learn more about what u can do to the fto. at least with a spec sheet it'll be easier.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 10:40 am
by ANBU_fto
lol yay!!!!

big buddies!!!


the spec sheet is still good ill go for that, even though i got nothing in my car.... :cry:

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 11:34 pm
by ruchi
I know I said I wasn't going to go one any more about this, but after having a few people contact me I have to raise a point.

Although the point Brendan raises is a good one, I must admit that I have yet to meet anyone who has come along to an event (especially newbies) who didn't want to know what others had done to their cars. The newbies in particular are very keen to find out info and I guess this is reflected in their support for the spec sheet concept.

I believe people will only get embarassed about things if we start ranking cars or saying XXX is better than YYY. I have yet to see this sort of thing in this club and doubt that a spec sheet would change that. Most people here seem to be pretty friendly and don't seem to have "size issues". So I see any risk of embarassment being very low and isolated. But to help avoid this, I think we should tell people when it will be a spec sheet event and likewise I think we should avoid any sort of showing off, which potentially a "show n shine" or "mini show" could turn into.

I'll shut up again now! :D

...but it would be good to hear what others have to say.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:15 pm
by NimZ
Dude if u want a spec sheet on your car just do it, you don't need permission from every one to do it and it doesn't have to be an issue who has it or not. Whoever wants it can just print one out and put it on your car for the next meet.

Personally I couldn't care less what mods every one has, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who thinks like that! :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:34 pm
by mxysxy
I agree with you Ruchi,
As a new member of this club, I have never been able to come to any meeting.
So, I really would like to see what others have done to their FTO's. Furthermore, I can easily sort again the uprades I am looking for, via simply looking to a spec sheet. And then, introduce myself, asking questions.
I believe, this is a good idea, and who ever wants to do this, should do it. Of course, cant be compulsary for those who doesnt want to do it.

In addition, my car is as stock as stock could be. I dont think I would be embarresed from this at all, after seeing GPXXX's turbo and others. Cause I know outside of the cars, I got the biggest ??c?. :wink:

Really, All it matters is that I look after my car.

Love to see you all in the next meeting.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 7:59 pm
by ruchi
LOL! :lol: Nimz, I'm not seeking permission, I'm trying to get people involved as this concept is only going to work if the majority of people do it. :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 1:22 am
by FTOluv
I agree with Nimz, if u wanna have a spec sheet that should be fully up to the owner of the car. Some people might not want others to know some of the expensive items in their car for security reasons.

Spec sheet is good idea but shouldnt be mandatory.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:51 am
by FTO338
FTOluv wrote: Some people might not want others to know some of the expensive items in their car for security reasons.

Spec sheet is good idea but shouldnt be mandatory.
Agree, some of you guys might recall, that Kirby (thecook) & I got our I.C.E stolen after our car was on Hot4, even though it might not have anything do with the car being in Hot4 but it makes you really cautious about putting any specs/mods on paper. Its not the money that matters, but its the time & effort we had spend to make it the way we want it to be, & then some dickhead comes along & screw it up for u :evil:

Don't get me wrong, other members had been PM me about the mods that i've done, & i'm happy to tell them but not hand them out like flyers.


Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:46 pm
lets just meet n cruise.. :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 9:34 pm
by saint
yap.. lets just meet n we can 'brag' all day... :lol:
any idea when n where?

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 8:33 pm
by ANBU_fto
lets all meet and cruise to yum cha!!!!

all the old and mature drivers can pay for the young drivers.... :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 9:18 pm
by Supplanter
ANBU_fto wrote:lets all meet and cruise to yum cha!!!!

all the old and mature drivers can pay for the young drivers.... :wink:
Old and mature!?! We have none of those... guess we'll be going hungry :roll:

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 12:04 am
by FTO338

If we were mature & sensible, then i guess this would be the Mitsubishi Station Wagon Club ahhahhahhhahha :twisted:

Anyway repect the elderly & pay for us :wink: