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Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 12:29 pm
by Hez
hey they insure car clubs at Famouswith discount! it would be so cool if this is considered a car club and can get discounts!
Jus a thought!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 2:01 pm
by MattG
On their insurance application forms it asks which car club you are a "financial" member of.

That implies that we would not be able to get their "car club" discount as we do not charge membership fees.

Somebody (Stephen?) has already looked into charging membership fees, and found it was probably more trouble than it was worth, stuff like liability I think was the main concern.


Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 5:17 pm
by hawka64
I'll be turning 20 in July, and the only thing holding me back from purchasing a FTO is relatively costly insurance.

Do any of you guys have updates on your situations?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 6:11 pm
by MattG
You may find it hard getting insurance from anywhere if you are under 25.

I haven't seen anyone in sydney getting comprehensive insurance for less than about $1400-1500 on an FTO.

You can only ring around for the best price. Remember that insurance is calculated on a number of factors, so you can't really compare the quotes between drivers.

Some places links to insurance companies can be found here:


Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 7:02 pm
by Cohn
dude, there is only one option...

FAMOUS insurance in W.A:

I just got insured with them yesterday:

I'm 18, with one major accident in the year i've been driving ($8000 damage).

It is insured under my name, and there's nothing shifty about it...

$2200 premium (i think that's bloody reasonable, maybe even stupid? :? )

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 9:21 pm
where is FTO338 when you need him??? :wink:

i'm not an insurance guru, but i believe premiums also depend on several key factors:

location of where you live (and its associated risk assessment)
security device on the vehicle if any (garaged or not)
driver's age and driving history
market value of the car
modifications carried out if any

That's off the top of my head though'... might've been some other stuff that i've left out.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 12:44 pm
by p_angelo_1
famous insurance sounds good...

but is there any disadvantage for taking out insurance with them for us guys in Sydney? anyone in Sydney insured with them and already made a claim? where there any problems?

Do you trust Famous Insurance?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 5:10 pm
by bennieboy
Hey everyone,

I am currently looking for a 97 make onwards FTO and I also looking at the cost of insurance.

I am liking Famous becaus thier premiums are nearly half what other companies are offering and also because I am 'considered' a high risk individual Im 20 yerars old only on red Ps for a month( I went overseas) with no previous insurance history etc

But the question that need to be asked:

Do they insure at night at other places besides home ?

Or does it have to be off the road and in your garage after a certain time?

Any other conditions ?

But my main concern is the fact that I know heaps of people have insured with them, some of them have skylines with crazy mods. but when they were siging up my friend told them he has modfiications and they said it doesnt really matter.

I find it very difficult to believe that an insurance company does nto care what modifications a car they about to insure has, regardless of how crazy they are ( my firends skyline is pretty nuts).

Also I know no one who has lodged a claim, or recieved a payout?
if so many have signed up but none have made claims?

whats the go with that?

anyone shed some light?


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 9:10 pm
by Cohn
Benny, i'm as eager to know as you are...

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:28 pm
by rxboy
Here's a strategy NOT for the faint hearted:

1) find a shifty insurance broker
2) ask him what his fee is for making it look like you have an insurance history of Rating 1 :lol:
3) give cash in hand
4) voila =====>>>> RATING ONE

PS: You have to be at least 23 to make this believable as it usually takes 5 years of driving before you can reach rating 1 (VIC only)


Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:47 pm
i believe there is a special term given for this kind of action - it's called CORRUPTION, and it is a federal offence so if the broker decides to dob you in for attempted corruption - your ass will be Bubba's playground in jail!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:00 pm
by FTO338
Let me just add few more terms from the list of 02NV,

1. Attempted Bribery

2. Theft by Deception

3.Attempted Fraud/Fraud
(Depends how far u gone)

Don't worry the sentence are very light, only Minimum 4yrs in prison with medium security.

By the time anyone come out, he or she be rating 5 or 6 again!!!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:12 pm
heads up and take that as a bible fellas, for the insurance guy has spoken! :wink:

EDIT: just realised you're a finance guy Kev, LOL...!! :? :oops:

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:17 pm
by G_A_V
if you get caught for insuracne fraud, dont expect to insure your car again ! nearly every insurer will refuse to insure some one convicted of insurance fraud

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 12:40 pm
by rxboy
LOL - as I said: "NOT for the faint hearted".

I've heard stories of insurance brokers who do this and I actually was offered to hook up with one. But I was 24 when I got my FTO and didn't need it. If I was 18, and maybe looking at $4-5 grand for insuring the FTO, then maybe I would have been tempted.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 5:37 pm
by FTO338
Hmmmm just one question!!! Whos going 2 believe that u r rating 1 when u r 18??? :roll:

Ohhh 02NV, i wish i'm in insurance, cause i can insure eveyone in this forum cheap! & made my yearly budget in 1mth ehheeehe


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:27 pm
by rxboy
Hey FTO338, what would you define as cheap? My premium is about $1350 per year on rating 1 on a 97 stock FTO GPX. I got the impression that this was close to the cheapest I could get. Does anyone pay considerably less? If so, what company (has to be in VIC though)?

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:50 pm
by FTO338
Well what i consider cheap for insurance is not just premium, also excess fee as well.

I believe Just car had the excess of $1050 for any claim, $600 for age, $600 for stereo & $600 for wheels & they don't insure all type of wheels either.

So if your car got stolen u be up for $2850 (if your wheels is covered, bad luck if is not, u just have 2 paid 4 new set of wheels) & plus they would only pay out a FTO up to $22,000. Is that cheap??

Young & Cool did quoted me $1800 for premium with all the mods & have excess of $600 for age & $600 for any claim, & the age excess is wavered if u done a Advance driving course. So 4 someone like me who done it, i only pay $600 if my car was stolen. & also agree value of $25,000.

So what its cheap, I think cheap is low premium & low excess. (Which I know is just a dream)

Anyone else would like 2 share info on their insurance, so we all have a better idea on Premium & Excess.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:04 am
by rxboy
What do u mean $600 for stereo & $600 for wheels?

I'm with Just Car and my excess is $1050 plus $300 if u're aged 22-25 or $400 if u're aged under 22. There's also an extra $600 for attempted theft of or from the vehicle. Is that what u mean? (ie. if your stereo or rims get stolen u would have to pay $1050 + $600).

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:20 am
by FTO338
rxboy wrote:What do u mean $600 for stereo & $600 for wheels?
What it mean is u have 2 pay $600 for stereo & another $600 for wheels, if u car get stolen! So is still $1050 + $600 + $600 and even with the age excess u quoted which is $400, u still have 2 pay $2650

U right about paying $1050 + $600 if the stereo or wheels were stolen but u forgot the age excess!

& i would call just car tomorrow if i was you to clairfy the age excess, cause i've just got all the information yesterday from my friend who work for Just Car insurance. (& no he can't do any deals except for himself! Bastard)

All the info was base on Age 27, rating 1 with no traffic offence, or claim/accident on a GPX (tip), wheels, stereo, exhuast & suspension.