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Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:34 pm
by Shazzam
Hi everyone,
I just bought another two FTO's again.
I originally had one last year, gorgeous looking car, apart from the cam sensor never gave me problems and ran beautifully.
I sadly wrote that one because a guy decided to go at a set of lights and them slam up on his breaks. ( no apparent reason)
Was friendly enough and apologetic but at the end of the day I hit him so I was at fault.
Anyway the insurance company wrote the car off saying repairs would out weigh the cost of the car.
So back to my Xr8 and then a mum mobile ( territory )
Just missed and wanted another FTO so bad, I bought another one on Impulse.
Complete dog box, Knew I shouldn't be buying it but did anyway, high expectations of restoring and painting.
My son said he would help etc etc etc
Well I found another one, I am pretty sure the two previous owners have been on this board before number plate FTO 999?
Anyway the car is much better than the other dog box I bought, but still needs things done which I have no clue what I am doing.
Now my son who promised to help and knows a few guys on this board, eg help with parts hasn't done a damn thing to help, Yes I want to kick his a$$
Now his girl friend wants to buy my dog box one, and low and behold he's been working on it all day. fixing it up etc etc. It's not even hers yet! I am loosing $2500 on the dog box selling it to them and sorry for my rant but think, gosh how hard is it to help your mum out? They are both living in my house, I pretty much do everything for them besides wipe their a$$es.
Guys I am talking about a lightbulb over the number plate, mine one is blue so I can't drive it at night incase I get pulled over, I asked him to change it 3 weeks ago.... still waiting.
Ok apart from my whinge, I would like to know if there is someone on the Central Coast or Sydney ( me come to you )
Who will help? I am willing to pay, don't expect freebies, just don't want to be shafted by local mechanics who know nothing about FTO's
Anyone can help that would be great.
My exhaust seems loose and rattles, My indicator arm is loose so every time you try to left or right, you will flash your high beams and then it doesn't automatically turn off.
My air con doesn't work.
And that's all I know as I am no mechanic to even tell you if it's running right?

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:45 pm
by shadowarrior
Hello and welcome to the club. :)
Kids...heh :P They tend to forget their roots when they grow up...understand you there :)

Well as for parts and help. Dwayne (dstocks) would be the person to contact for all parts. Asking for stuffs around here for advice will get you answers.

This is where I get all my DIY guides from: ...

FTO's are great machines and a keeper always. :)

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:55 pm
by Taz
Hey there,

First and foremost, welcome to the club :D
'Dstocks' or Dwayne is our parts man, anything you need he has it or can get it. Top bloke.
'Bennoz' or Ben is our president, and can usually spot an fto fault and give helpful advice a mile away when he's not sick to death about talking cars :lol:
The rest of us are...well a lively bunch and dont take anything to heart here.

Ok now, in my limited experience as it may be i have a few answers for you.

The bulb change for your number plate is a very simple job, just like changing a light bulb. Get a bulb off ebay then just swap them straight out, it will just pop out and put the new one in.
Your exhaust. Ok if its loose - i.e. swaying from side to side it will most likely be your mounts - probably on the chamber itself at the back is most common (big tub right at the back looking thing) which wont be hard, and im sure someone down in sydney there will be able to do the labour - they have a few DIY days down there you can go to get some knowledge and hands on experience with some of the smaller car jobs.
The rattle will most likely be something in your exhaust rattling round, maybe a broken off piece of a bolt/gasket etc who knows, but will most likely again be in the chamber. Again, not a big job (depending on the severity we can only do so much off descriptions off the internet as im sure you understand)
When you say your air con doesnt work, do you mean completely, as in there is no air coming on when its turned on? or that its not heating/cooling etc. If the latter you just need to regas the aircon, look up someone in the yellow pages or im sure someone in sydney can recommend someone - shouldnt be too much, usually no more than 130ish
If its not working entirely im going to go ahead and assume its a bigger problem, with either the pipes being blocked or bent or the motor not working - is it climate control or manual? (climate control = screen with automatic, manual is the old skool knobs to turn)
Your indicator arm problem will just be the hub behind the wheel that controls all of that, probably has a chipped off tooth to prevent it from clicking off/loose if it can wiggle your high beams on - if its shot then hit Dwayne up for one.
Fto's are really nice cars and while people may protest this again and again they are a great little reliable car (if treated right - mine and a few others i know is a testament to this) just gotta make sure you get it serviced regularly, stay on top of any problems that may arise and put 98 in the car (although it does run on 95 fine i hear)

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:04 pm
by silverGPX
Taz lol, im holding in such a big :troll: :lol:

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:08 pm
by Taz
go ahead, try me :troll: :lol:

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:36 pm
by sublime19
Bit harsh on a public forum to make those comments about your son, knowing he's a member of this forum.

Anyway, good luck getting it sorted.

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:52 pm
by marshy1223
gee thanks mum for me finding this.... by the way i did your lights for the numberplate and tried the ac pulley but theres something wrong with it so need a new one so yes by the way got the new stereo. not hooked up, its just sitting in the boot!!! HAHAHA ;)

Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:14 pm
by Sahin
Yay I'm not the only one with an FTO mum

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:07 pm
by Astron_Boy

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:14 pm
by PHIL069
Hey Marshy, now you have 3 FTO's to look after, yours, your girlfriends and your mums. You are going to be a busy boy, most of us find it hard enough to look after just one!
If you need a hand with your girlfriends or your FTO, don't ask me .......

Only joking......I will help when I can

How did you go with the spark plugs yesterday?
Did the tool I lend you help?
Are you going to give it back?

Hey John, like the post :cheers:

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:02 am
by Shazzam
Thanks so much shadowarrior and Taz, info much appreciated!!!
Forgot the other ones name who thinks I'm mean for ratting out my son, but just so you know you all got the clean version and it's nothing I never said to my son face to face.
Reverse psychology actually works now then.
And it helps I do his washing and cook his meals :-)
Young Marshy is just scared that my car will whoop his butt when I'm done with it :)
I already did didn't I marshy boy.
Thanks Phil for the dob in text too! LOL
Happy to report I now have a proper light bulb... And yes he bummed my ac pulley and stereos in the boot, ha!
Jb hi fi can fix that for me.
I found a place at seven hills who seem nice enough, going to take the car down there for them to go over.

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:12 am
by PHIL069
Shazzam wrote:Thanks so much shadowarrior and Taz, info much appreciated!!!
What a pair of crawlers :lol:
Shazzam wrote:Forgot the other ones name who thinks I'm mean for ratting out my son, but just so you know you all got the clean version and it's nothing I never said to my son face to face.
Well done subby :cheers:
Shazzam wrote:Young Marshy is just scared that my car will whoop his butt when I'm done with it :)
I already did didn't I marshy boy.
What a wus, can't beat you mum :slap:
Shazzam wrote:Thanks Phil for the dob in text too! LOL
Just looking out for Marshy :D
Shazzam wrote:Happy to report I now have a proper light bulb... And yes he bummed my ac pulley and stereos in the boot, ha!
Jb hi fi can fix that for me.
I found a place at seven hills who seem nice enough, going to take the car down there for them to go over.
Good luck with the FTO :)

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:11 am
by sublime19
Have my babies Phil

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:25 am
by phi-tec
man i havnt been on the forum much lately nd seems like phil is going to be next president

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:24 am
by marshy1223
PHIL069 wrote:Hey Marshy, now you have 3 FTO's to look after, yours, your girlfriends and your mums. You are going to be a busy boy, most of us find it hard enough to look after just one!
If you need a hand with your girlfriends or your FTO, for f*ck sake don't ask me :thebird: .......

Only joking......I will help when I can :lol:

How did you go with the spark plugs yesterday?
Did the tool I lend you help?
Are you going to give it back? :lol:

Hey John, like the post :cheers:

Hey Phil it did good but didn't make a difference it's still running on 5 cyl I can't figure the problem yetZ I'll take it to the mechanics or something and see what they say about it. Haha and mum likes to think she beat me. We had a race the night she got her manual one. Don't u remember mum? Around near pennant hills.??? I killed you ;)

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:25 am
by marshy1223
Ok I admit it, Mum took me in the dog box car and the manual car.
My car sucks so does my driving.

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:34 am
by spetz
Did I understand right that one of your FTOs has dog box in it?
Also, welcome :)

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:57 am
by marshy1223
marshy1223 wrote:Ok I admit it, Mum took me in the dog box car and the manual car.
My car sucks so does my driving.

ok that was not me. never trusting my mum with my laptop ay !!!!! she's just jelly !!! HAHAHA

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:01 am
by Shazzam
Thanks spetz, it's mechanically ok does need a few things and now running on 5 cylinders.
Yes I admit it, I hacked his laptop lol
He thinks it's hilarious hacking everyone's Facebook :)

Re: Angry Mumma Newbie

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:36 am
by Taz
phi-tec wrote:man i havnt been on the forum much lately nd seems like phil is going to be next president